Page 24 - Seniorstoday January 2023 Issue
P. 24
First Person
“New Year Resolutions”
It’s that time of the year again, when making New Year resolutions is a
part of fashionable conversation, writes Vickram Sethi
It’s that time of the year again, when So why do we make New Year
making New Year resolutions is a part of resolutions? It’s a symbolic fresh start to
fashionable conversation. assess our priorities, values and hopes for
When you are between 20 and 30, it’s the future. It’s also the time when millions
all very well wanting to make a New Year make resolutions, setting goals for the
resolutions on quitting smoking, quitting future. Some of these resolutions don’t last
alcohol, exercising and giving up some beyond January, especially the ones to quit
habit or the other. drinking, smoking and diet. They are all
Between 30 and 40 these resolutions great ideas and everyone has big plans to
persist and you add a few more on eating transform their lives but the harsh reality
correctly, choosing a spouse, career path, is that most people will be unsuccessful.
family etc. etc. Some of these resolutions are very celebrity
Between 40 and 50 drinking becomes inspired, people with seemingly perfect
a serious problem, diet, weight control, body and perfect lives that are thrust upon
exercising and sex life are on priority and us at every opportunity by Media and we
new resolutions are drawn up. are told time and again that these are the
Between 50 and 60 the priorities are all ideal people.
changed, health, money, retirement, family We put these people on the pedestal,
issues, takeover people’s life and the New compare our lives with theirs and find that
Year resolution is not a subject on the radar. we are not good enough.