Page 26 - Seniorstoday January 2023 Issue
P. 26

with other family priorities. Sometimes,            I am a big fan of a gratitude journal, two
         family issues do not go the way you want           bouts of COVID helped write this journal.
         them to be or as per your plan and you fail        Thankful for all the good things that
         to meet a goal and you experience a hit your       happened to me, I keep making weekly
         self-confidence and may blame yourself for         resolutions on exercising, losing weight
         what you’re perceived as failure, emotional        and connecting with the family. To change
         reappraisal can help you find a new route.         any goal into New Year resolutions is a
         Once you set a goal and discover that it’s         recipe for disaster. When you are young
         not a good fit, you don’t have to cling to it.     you want a magic wand or a special pill
         Macro goals are larger overall goals and           that will take you from where you are right
         micro goals are smaller goals and more             now to where you want to be. We want that
         immediate. We find ways on what we need            quick fix for better or worse. Things rarely
         to do to achieve these goals rather than           work like that. For most of us lifelong
         focusing on the goal itself.                       habits that have been ingrained over the
                                                            years are not easy to drop. This habit
                                                            change takes a lot of work, whether it’s
                                                            your relationship with alcohol, cigarettes
                                                            or weight loss, take it easy, instead of
                                                            looking for quick fix and making big jumps.
                                                            Be patient, commit to the long haul and
                                                            build gradually and don’t forget to enjoy
                                                            the journey. Nothing sums it up better
                                                            than George Michael’s immortal song “Last
                                                            Christmas I gave you my heart and the very
                                                            next day you gave it away”
                                                             Happy New Year

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