Page 29 - Seniorstoday January 2023 Issue
P. 29

investment schemes. Both had the                   point out to a hurry and burry and lack
         investment potential in them on the face           of adequate due diligence and long term
         of it and I rushed into them based on the          thinking.
         information leaflets, driven by immaturity
         and greed rather than doing my homework
         and mulling. In those days, there was no
         on-the-platter Google information to give
         you any insights or wisdom. Suffice it to
         say, I lost my investments completely.
         Contrastingly, in the case of public issues
         ( IPOs) and retail share investing ( in
         those days, except for UTI there were no
         mutual funds ), I devoted enough time
         and effort and researching the companies,
         their balance sheets, market share,
         potential, expansion plans, etc. before I
         invested in them. This ‘pause and pursue’
         approach based on solid rationale, which
         pejoratively get termed as procrastination,
         has paid me richer and assured dividends,
         pun intended. So, has been my approach
         in my corporate and professional career of
         near 5 decades. Less to ruminate, more to
         celebrate, as I look back. On the flip side,
         some of my indulgences which turned into           Take the case of Arjuna. At the crucial
         obsessions and consequent stress were due          stage of the Kurukshetra battle, he
         to the absence of this ‘pause and pursue’.         hesitated and stalled, not being sure
         The corporate world is surfeit of failed           if he was doing the right or the wrong
         expansions/acquisitions as a result of             thing. It was certainly not because of
         lack of ‘pause and pursue’ approach by             cowardice, but more to do with the need
         irrationally and exuberantly giving into           for the war and its aftermath. It was at this
         the so called ‘strike while the iron is hot’       instant that Krishna counselled him and
         mould, only to regret at leisure. Almost all       imparted wisdom about life itself and how
         of them have been due to the absence of            to approach it. If it were not for Arjuna
         doing a deep dive across the key metrics.          pressing the ‘pause and pursue’ button at
         Some notable examples are Time Warner              the crucial juncture, mankind probably
         and AOL (America Online), Daimler -Benz            would not have benefitted from Krishna’s
         and Chrysler, Microsoft and Nokia, Google          pearls of wisdom in Bhagavat Gita, which
         and Motorola. Closer home, we have the             makes for meaningful and mindful living.
         examples of, to name a few, Tata Steel –           Rama could not have emerged victorious
         Corus, RCom and Aircel, Bharti Airtel and          over the formidable Ravana, without
         Zain, Tata Tele and DoCoMo. The reasons            pausing, planning and deep thinking
         for these failures are aplenty, but it does        before waging the war. It was about

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