Page 35 - Seniorstoday January 2024 Issue
P. 35

Boost learning opportunities                       be bombarded with various forms of
         Gone are the days of the tired stereotype          entertainment, from stand-up comedy and
         that the old and wise are considered “out of       viral videos to contests and meme pages.
         touch”. Learning is a lifelong process, and        Stay current and feel in the know
         social media opens opportunities galore.           Alongside entertainment, social media
         You can join Facebook groups that align            emerges as a vast sea of knowledge if used
         with your interests, such as Senior Planet,        the right way. It’s no surprise then that
         Fab After Fifty, and My Itchy Travel Feet.         close to 64.5 percent of the population
         Social platforms have also become the hot          receive breaking news from Facebook, X (
         spot for researching topics and seeking            formerly Twitter), YouTube, Snapchat, and
         answers through detailed online channels.          Instagram over traditional media.
          Reddit, for example, is a social media             While there’s no denying the timeless
         forum website known for its sense                  charm of reading the newspaper with a
         of humor and niche communities                     cup in hand, news sites have leveraged
         (subreddits). You can dive into intense            the opportunity to capture the reader’s
         discussions and learn about a plethora of          attention mid-scrolling. The youngsters
         subjects through the real-life experiences         latch onto their phones at the strike of
         of others.                                         dawn and within minutes are notified of
          Depending on the group or channel you             the political/social/entertainment scene
         join, you can access numerous online               halfway across the globe.
         courses ranging from pottery and virtual            With seniors jumping on the bandwagon,
         fitness classes to basic computer skills and       they, too, stay well-informed, holding their
         modern script calligraphy. It’s all there,         own in a conversation or perhaps even
         ready for the taking.                              a heated debate. That said, integrating
                                                            news into social media has unfortunately
         A medium for entertainment                         beckoned the era of “fake news”.
         In the wise words of motivational                   Misinformation channels on platforms
         coach Tony Robbins, “We aren’t                     like YouTube compete with hard facts,
         in an information age, we are in an                making authentic content hard to come by.
         entertainment age.” Translation? We’re all         Before you know it, older adults become
         craving a good time, and thanks to social          easy targets, given their comparatively
         media, there is no dearth of enthralling           lower digital literacy.
         escapes. Grab your phone, tap that                  But that’s not to say it’s all doom and
         itty-bitty social media icon and boom!             gloom hereafter. With some basic research,
         (*cue dramatic voice*) Welcome to the              you can follow genuine and unbiased news
         entertainment extravaganza!                        channels so that only these are displayed
          A platform like YouTube stores classic            on your newsfeed.
         movies, music videos, and television
         shows from yesteryear, while Facebook,             Building an online business
         Instagram, LinkedIn, and Reddit                    Just the other day, my grandfather ordered
         seamlessly direct you to blog posts and            a massive wooden bookshelf he’d seen
         gaming sites. When you migrate to                  in an ad on one of his Senior buddies’
         one or many of these mediums, you’ll               Facebook groups. To say that I was

        SENIORS TODAY | ISSUE #55 | JANUARY 2024                                                            35
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