Page 16 - Seniorstoday July 2024 Issue
P. 16


        The Changing Nuances of Intimacy

        Influenced by The Kamasutra

                                                                                      Image courtesy:

         Traditional India is wrestling with a new India emerging out of the past; like a
         nation going through a moral puberty, writes Vickram Sethi

         In a country as diverse as India, the topic of     of sexual intercourse and focuses on a man
         sex remains a delicate and complex subject.        of leisure, the women in his life and their
         With deep-rooted cultural norms and                social and physical encounters. The work
         traditions, exploring and understanding            is a part of a tradition of eroticism in Indian
         the nuances of intimacy can be a fascinating       literature. Ancient Indians took a healthy
         journey. From tantra practices to the              and integrated view of all aspects of life and
         Kamasutra, India has a rich history of             gave sex its due importance. The pursuit
         embracing sensuality. However, societal            of pleasure was considered an important
         taboos and conservative mindsets still             aspect of daily life. Maithuna or the sexual
         prevail, creating a dichotomy between the          act was believed to be as natural as any
         private and public spheres.                        other body function and hence no taboos or
          While the rest of the world was pumping           inhibitions were attached to it. The hymn
         away to glory like animals, we discovered          of creation in the Rigveda which is dated
         the joys of sex and a gentleman called             around 900 BC, describes sexual desire as
         Vātsyāyana wrote a complete treatise on the        one of the basics of human existence.
         science of sex. We later elevated this man          The Kamasutra was written during a
         to the status of a sage and Rishi Vātsyāyana       time when the pursuit of pleasure and the
         went into great details on sexual pleasure,        exploration of human desire were seen
         desire, love and the pleasures of good living.     as an integral part of a well-rounded life.
         The text describes in detail on the positions      It was a period when people sought to

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