Page 17 - Seniorstoday July 2024 Issue
P. 17

understand the complexities of love and            the ancient wisdom that has enriched the
         intimacy and the Kamasutra provided a              lives of countless individuals throughout
         guide for navigating these realms. The             history. Immerse yourself in a world where
         sage takes a holistic approach to love             passion meets spirituality and discover how
         making and enhancing emotional bonds               this revered text continues to shape our
         and understanding of love, relationships           understanding of love, relationships and
         and human connections. At its core, the            the human connections. The Kamasutra
         Kamasutra seeks to provide guidance on             remains an important cultural artifact
         how to lead a virtuous and fulfilling life.        that offers valuable insights into the
         It emphasises the importance of a balance          historical context of Indian civilization. The
         and harmony in relationships, recognising          Kamasutra will remain relevant till the end
         that love and desire are natural aspects           of time (Human race).
         of human existence. The text explores a
         different aspect of love from passionate and
         erotic to compassionate and selfless.

                                                          Image courtesy:  Image Courtesy: Ananga Ranga of Kalayana malla (

                                                             Ancient India was never shy or in

                                                            the Ajanta Caves, the sensuous women,
                                                            the temples of Khajuraho and Konark
          The Kamasutra has had a profound                  denial of sex, look at the paintings of
         influence on Indian art and literature             showcasing the Kamasutra’s impact on
         throughout history. One of the key                 artistic representation of sex, love and
         teachings of the Kamasutra’s is the concept        desire. Indian society has significantly
         of “Kama” (desire), which is so extensive          evolved since the time of Kamasutra and
         in theory and broad in practice, that a very       suddenly in the last hundred years we took
         thin line divides the erotic from the esoteric.    a complete “U” turn to sex and became
         This 4th century text became the mother of         a very prudish society. Any mention
         all subsequent erotic texts – The Ananga           of the word sex, Boyfriend, Girlfriend
         Ranga of Kalayana Malla and Rati Rahasya           was a taboo. Women were subject to
         of Pandit Koka. We must acknowledge                unending restrictions in their daily life.
         that as a civilisation we were intellectually      Every society, religion had customs and
         far superior to any other civilisation of          traditions and a complex tapestry of
         that time. Not only did we understand sex          beliefs, deeply conservative values, right
         and the intricacies of human desires, we           from menstruation to marriage to child
         provided a guide to love, relationships and        birth to widowhood and to death, strict
         the art of living a fulfilling life. Delve into    rules were laid down that could not be
         the pages of the Kamasutra and uncover             transgressed. Marriages and the emphasis

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