Page 22 - Seniorstoday July 2024 Issue
P. 22

Life Lessons

         How Not to be Boring

         at 60, 70…

         How can we break free from the monotony and rediscover the excitement of
         life, asks Vandana Kanoria

         I was teetering on a perilous edge staring         and then run away from the resulting
         down at the abyss.                                 boredom”.
          Looking at the scary, yawning depths of             At a certain point in our existence
         a life being boring and becoming bored.            life becomes routine and predictable.
          What do you do when your life has                 Responsibilities and demands of adult
         become so routine that it has run out of           life often make us prioritise stability
         stories?                                           over adventure: and as we age, major
          When one of the grandkids told me he              responsibilities taken care of, we settle
         had heard the nostalgia laden story of             into a life which is easy like a cosy
         my childhood escapades a hundred times             comfortable armchair padded with
         and could I please tell him a new story, I         everything familiar and we repose in it
         realised I was turning into something I            loath to get up.
         promised I would never be: boring.                  Yet the sameness becomes dull, and the
          Why do we become a little dull as we              fount of exciting stories dries up. We
         grow older? Is it the preoccupation with           become indifferent to the unfamiliar,
         the mundane? An unwillingness to try               unwilling to explore its many pathways.
         something new, something never done                 Furthermore, modern society offers us a
         before? Or, as in my case, exchanging              remarkably homogeneous life experience.
         comfort for adventure? “We try to                  We are taught that if we want to get on,
         make every good experience repeatable,             we must streamline ourselves by chipping

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