Page 22 - Seniorstoday July 2022 Issue
P. 22

returns/safe instruments should not be             pa will halve your corpus in about 9 years.
         more than your age and the rest can be             This will stress out a typical retiree who is
         in equities and MFs. If you are 30, invest         unlikely to have a shield against persistent
         30% of your funds in fixed returns/safe            inflation.
         instruments. 70% can be invested in risk
         and high reward avenues like equities and          Q – Are FDs in cooperative banks safe ?
         MFS. If you are 65 years old, 65% of your          They offer a better rate of interest than
         investments should be in fixed return and          other banks.
         safe investments.                                  A – Most of these banks are politically
                                                            controlled in the back stage or over
         Q – Is an insurance policy necessary?              geared and susceptible to wrong lending
         A – Yes, it is, to provide for your family         practices. As a result, many have gone bust
         should you become disabled or exit                 and will go bust. E.g., Maharashtra State
         suddenly. Don’t do the mistake of an               Cooperative Bank, PMC Bank, etc. Do not
         endowment policy since insurance is a bad          get swayed by the marginally higher rate
         investment. Take a term policy or a liability      of interest, the safety of your capital is
         insurance with a long maturity period.             paramount and cannot be compromised.
         As a guidance, the insurance cover can be          Please move out of any FDs with any
         equivalent to about 20 to 25 times your            co-operative bank.  There could be a
         current annual earning.                            few exceptions like Shamrao Vithal and
                                                            Saraswat Bank, who are relatively more
         Q – I would like to double my wealth               professional and transparent in their
         every 5 or 6 years. What should be the             banking practices.
         rate of return that I should look at?
         A – As a rule, divide 72 by the returns %          Q – What is an ideal corpus that one
         and that will give you the number of years         should aim to build as retirement
         that it will take to double your investments.      corpus?
         Assume you are getting 8% return. Then             A – Assuming a retirement age of 60,
         it will take 9 years to double your money.         medical advances and a reasonable health
         Assume you are earning 12% return every            profile, a person can hope to live for 20
         year. Then, it will take 6 years to double         to 30 years into retirement. Based on
         your money.                                        that, a corpus of, say 25 times the annual

         Q – What is the impact of inflation on my
         A – In a scenario of inflation, your real rate
         of interest earning will end up in negative
         zone. For eg, if your average interest
         earning is 6% and the inflation is 8%, you
         real earning is -2%. Putting it differently,
         you will have to draw from your corpus to
         sustain your living. In the context of the
         earlier question and answer, an 8% inflation

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