Page 27 - Seniorstoday July 2022 Issue
P. 27

does he weave together many of his best            Thirty years after her death, Agatha
         characters and themes around the old plot          Christie remains central to both  detective
         of a Wodehouse heroine, Florence Craye             fiction and holiday entertainment genres.
         and her matrimonial designs upon Bertie             Christie writes simple, straightforward
         -“She was one of those intellectual girls,         prose with a focus on plot and dialogue.
         steeped to the gills in serious purpose,           They are not procedurals, since they
         who are unable to see a male soul without          rarely focus on a professional police officer
         wanting to get behind it and shove”                or detective - even Poirot is a former
         -Wodehouse’s  capacity to conjure laughter         detective. Instead, the clues are collected
         and light out of airy nothing,  delights me        from conversations and plot twists. The
         every time I read his books.                       sheer ingenuity of plotting in books like
           Wodehouse, in his words, preferred to            ‘Murder on the Orient Express’, ‘The
         spread “sweetness and light” and the titles        Murder of Roger Ackroyd’ or ‘Then There
         of his books - Nothing Serious, Laughing           Were None’ has left me wonderstruck
         Gas, Joy in the Morning speak volumes.             on countless occasions. Bodies pile up,
         With every sparkling joke, every farcical          seeping blood on carpets of stately homes,
         tussle with angry swans, pigs and pet              in trains and planes, on a steamer on the
         Pekingese, every tangled situation Bertie          Nile, in Mesopotamia on an archaeological
         finds himself and where every time he              dig and even in Egypt under the Pharaohs
         is extricated by the unflappable Jeeves,           (Death Comes at the End).  She creates
         spark joy (to use a cliched modern Mary            detection defying puzzles, able to deceive
         Kondo phrase). Writing about being a               the reader, while supplying the necessary
         humourist in his autobiography ‘Over               clues to solve the mystery. To carry out
         Seventy’,  Wodehouse quoted two people             this deception Christie depended on large
         in the Talmud who had earnt their place            groups of characters who share motive,
         in Heaven: “We are merrymakers. When               opportunity and dark secrets; country
         we see a person who is downhearted, we             vicars and doctors, retired colonels and
         cheer him up.” Some authors may want to            spiteful spinsters, angry young men and
         expose the world’s injustices, or elevate          spirited young women are all suspects in
         us with their psychological insights, but          grisly murders.
         Wodehouse in Evelyn Waugh’s immortal
         and prophetic words, “ will continue to
         release future generations from captivity
         that may be more irksome than our own.”
          Agatha Christie is not just an unparalleled
         mystery writer, she’s the best-selling
         novelist of all time. Her books have been
         published in more editions, and in more
         languages, than those of any other author           And her two iconic detectives! No
         except Shakespeare. In 2004 Christie’s             adaptation of her works on screen has been
         detectives appeared in Japanese anima              able to capture that little Belgian detective
         versions, and in 2007 Euro Comics India            Hercule Poirot - best known for his iconic
         began a series of graphic comic adaptations.       twirling moustaches, his love for tisanes

        SENIORS TODAY | ISSUE #37 | JULY 2022                                                               27
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