Page 23 - Seniorstoday July 2022 Issue
P. 23
expenditure or 20 times the annual income,
should suffice. Assume an investment
split of 60 to 70% in safe and fixed income
instruments and 30 to 40% in equity
and MFs, this corpus can enable one to
withdraw 4 to 5% annually from it to take
care of living expenses.
Q – Wealth or Health? better?
A – Invest in your health so that you can A – Clearly, cash is king and will keep your
enjoy your wealth. life flowing.
Q – I am 70 years of age; my corpus is Q – Investment advisors always say
limited and cannot sustain me. All I have “have a long-term outlook while taking
additionally is one house. What should I investment decisions”. Is it practical at
do? my age of 70?
A – Living reasonably is more important, A – You said it, it will not make sense in
as is a roof over your head. Given the the later sunset lives. Steady income, while
situation of limited corpus, you could preserving the corpus is more important at
either think of selling the house to raise this stage. You have no long term left when
capital and live in a rented home or do a you are 70.
reverse mortgage of your house and raise
the capital to sustain yourself. At the end of Q – Should I borrow and buy a home?
the day or our life, if I may, you cannot take A – As I said, one roof is a mental comfort.
your home with you. Make it a productive There is no harm in borrowing for one
asset in such a situation! home ,when you are earning. But make sure
that your EMI is not more than 20 to 25%
Q – Should I accumulate some of your take home income or 40 to 50% of
contingency fund? If yes, how much your total expenditure.
should it be? As Chanakya was holding forth with the
A – An emergency corpus of between 6 to 9 audience, in comes the peripatepic Narad
months of our expenditure should be kept Muni and exclaims to the assembly, “Find
aside as an emergency fund to take care of purpose, the means will follow; trust the
unforeseen circumstances. These should be Preserver in the Triumvirate, there is no
readily encashable or withdrawable. need to worry.”. At this grandiloquence,
Chanakya could not hold back a sardonic
Q – Should one invest in houses and real smile and says to the audience that he will
estate? confer with the Creator and the Destroyer
A – I would say that one house is a need in the Triumvirate and then reconvene the
and the second house is a luxury and a satsang and disappears. In any case he has
burden, which you can do without. to visit the other time zones and share his
lasting wisdom on artha.
Q – Cash or investments? Which is Aakhir, jeevan ka arth hi artha hai!