Page 29 - Seniorstoday July 2022 Issue
P. 29

First Person

         Seniors on the See-saw

         Stepping into your senior years, and getting a sense of what this new
         chapter has in store for us, is a time full of contrasts and contradictions,
         writes Gouri Dange

         We’ve often experienced, as we age, how            grey, even internally, and not be all black or
         two completely opposing thoughts or                white!
         emotions or behaviours can come into                What are these contrasting experiences
         play right at the same moment. Leaving             that we contend with every day, as Seniors?
         us feeling a tad confused, even sheepish           1. Being Highly Visible VS Highly Invisible
         at times. And if someone stands over your          at the same time. For instance, you may
         head asking you to stop vacillating (or            encounter someone turning to you for
         oscillating like a table fan), perhaps we          affection or advise, and in this way
         can say this to them and ourselves: ‘I have        acknowledging that you have been around
         lived a long life with many experiences,           a while and may have a good supply of
         and yet many things are completely new             both. On that very same day, you may feel
         to me in this fast-moving world. So I give         quite invisible, as the world rushes past
         myself the space and permission to have            you or looks through you or forgets to
         conflicting feelings and reactions. I remain       attend to your query or request.
         in learning-mode.’ It is as simple as that!        2. Inhibition VS Spontaneity. Crossing
         Grant yourself that visa, the licence, to go       the age of 60 at times makes you self-

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