Page 31 - Seniorstoday July 2022 Issue
P. 31
rude Oy Mhatarayyy (Hey Oldie!) to you when we compare them to ‘today’, we do
as if you should not be on the road at all, have to inhabit the Present and do a half-
obstructing his or her acrobatic feats on a decent job of it. Maybe a daily or weekly
two-wheeler. exercise of noticing, even noting, what three
8. Offering uncalled for advice VS Holding things in current times are way better than
your tongue. This is a dilemma we all how it was ‘back then’ would help us to
encounter on a daily basis. At times you become aware and grateful for the many
can clearly see that you can save someone advances and reforms that we have lived to
a lot of trouble by giving them a useful see and enjoy today. Nostalgia is beautiful,
suggestion or a note of caution. And yet, but the here-and-now beckons too.
we all know (and are learning) that it is 11. Wonderment VS Apathy. On one and
equally important to zip it up and not jump the same day, you could feel cynical, seen-
in with your ‘take’ every time. Perhaps the it-all, and uninterested in most things.
best approach can be waiting to be asked, And on that very day or moments later,
or offering advice tentatively, in the least something can fill you with wonder and
know-it-all way possible! renewed respect for the world around
9. Clutter VS De-clutter. Another fine you! It’s important to acknowledge both,
balance to be achieved – how much to allowing for apathy, but harnessing and
hang on to and how much to simply let encouraging that moment of wonderment
go, as we age. While we have to take those too. Both states tend to bloom and grow,
decisions, discernment rather than all-or- so it’s important to keep a small check on
nothing solutions is the way to go - whether apathy and fuel that sense of wonderment
it is emotional baggage or actual things. when possible.
There is no one-size-fits all plan here, but 12. Half Empty VS Half Full. As we
it probably makes sense to take a good encounter many little intimations of our
hard look at your relationships and your mortality – in the form of mounting medical
possessions and keep what gives you joy bills, aches and pains, the passing away of
and let go what you have carried along but others our age – all of us look fearfully or
need to respectfully (and yet ruthlessly) philosophically at the approaching end.
give away. And here too, it is perfectly understandable
10. Nostalgia VS The Present. While it is that we may find ourselves at times
easy to hark back to (and harp on) our ‘good wanting to exit, having had enough at one
old days’ which we look upon with much moment; and yet being able to savour and
wistful head-wagging and tongue-clucking be grateful for every living moment too, on
some days. Both are deeply valid states of
being and let nobody tell us otherwise!
Whichever part of the world we find
ourselves in, whether life has gone
according to original plans or not,
whenever we are called upon to define
and redefine ourselves, balance and
discernment (‘vivek buddhi’ as it is called)
is the ageing person’s precious-most asset.