Page 30 - Seniorstoday July 2022 Issue
P. 30
conscious about what you can and cannot They can come across as brash, unthinking,
wear, eat, say, do, desire. And yet, on some disrespectful, self-absorbed. But their sheer
fronts, many of us experience a delicious fearlessness, risk-taking and easy warmth
freeing from those shoulds and shouldn’ts, and optimism is the perfect antidote. They
allowing us to shrug off years of self- can be the darrd and also the dawwa to us.
imposed rules and regulations. And never
mind if the world around you is a bit taken
aback at your new-found ‘bindaas’-ness!
(A word of caution, though. ‘Disinhibition’
is the other extreme, a condition in which
some of the elderly develop impulsive
behaviours, with no restraints on what
they speak or do, poor risk-assessment and
potentially unsocial or antisocial actions.)
Sometimes it helps to get a sense of what
inhibitions you can let go and what you 5. Learning VS Unlearning. While we are
need to keep in place, by listening to well- learning new things, from technology to
wishers around you, or whatever age. finance to how to talk to younger people,
we are equally required to unlearn some of
our old outmoded attitudes, assumptions,
language usage, prejudices and theories.
The rules of engagement with the outer
world are changing, and learning the new
ways is as important as unlearning the old
6. Aunty/Uncle VS Grandma/pa. Just as
you were beginning to settle down to being
called Aunty by all, the next stage is upon
you: Now you are Dadaji, Paati, Ajji, Ajoba,
Gramps, and a whole lot of other words that
3. Abililty to Listen VS Selective Hearing. signify your advancing years. And perhaps
As a senior, you can have an inner you are also looking after your own elderly,
quietness that comes with age, allowing you people in their 80s and 90s. So on one day
to listen in a discerning non-interrupting itself, you are expected to be an elder as
way. And yet, as many of us experience well as a care-giver child to someone.
with ourselves and other seniors, we can 7. Politeness VS Impoliteness. On a
tune off and simply not allow some things daily basis, you will encounter extreme
to enter, because that too is part of ageing. politeness and consideration on account
Perhaps an area to work on, with help and of your years somewhere, perhaps at the
feedback from the right quarters. bank or at a function or in a shop or even
4. Finding Young People Annoying VS in traffic. And also quite the opposite. At
Being Impressed With Them. Yes, and the next moment, someone will whizz past
at one and the same moment, sometimes! you from the wrong side, and shout out a