Page 23 - Seniorstoday June2023
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exercise always affect each other inversely,       often can mean more visceral fat. This
         too many calories and less exercise will lead      body shape is more common among men.
         to fat build up.                                   Women are more likely to be pears -- with
         Stress – Increased stress levels release           bigger hips and thighs. Research shows
         the hormone cortisol in the body- this             that upper body fat is more dangerous to
         hormone affects metabolism, resulting in           your health, which might be one reason
         fat collection around the abdomen.                 why women usually live longer than men.
         Sleep – Lack of good sleep or short sleep          Imaging tests.
         can send you on a spree of unhealthy eating         These expensive scans are the only way to
         habits, leading to fat collection in the body,     check the exact amount of visceral fat you
         especially around the abdomen.                     have. If your doctor orders a CT scan or
         How to Measure It                                  an MRI test to check for another medical
         There’s no way to know precisely where             condition, a detailed picture of your visceral
         and how much visceral fat is hidden in             fat can also be obtained.
         your body without expensive imaging tests.
         Waist size.
         This is an easy way to get a rough estimate.
         Wrap a tape measure around your waist
         over your belly button. (Don’t suck in your
         stomach!) In women, 35 inches or more is a
         sign of visceral fat. In men, it’s 40 inches.
         This, however, is a crude tool, especially if
         you’re a very big person. And if you’re of
         Asian origin, the benchmark for visceral
         fat drops to 31.5 inches for women and 35.5
         inches for men.
         Body mass index is a formula for how much
         you weigh relative to your height. Online
         calculators can calculate for you. A BMI
         of 30 or higher is overweight. That could          The dangers of visceral fat
         be a sign of visceral fat. If you’re Asian         While it is safe, even necessary, to have a
         American, a BMI of 23 or higher could be a         few layers of fat which provide warmth and
         concern.                                           protect the inner organs of the body, too
         Hip-to-waist ratio.                                much fat can trigger health problems.
          You divide your waist size by your hip            Besides storing energy, fat cells also
         size. While some think the number gives            produce certain hormones and other
         a good idea of your risk for visceral fat,         inflammatory substances; over a period
         studies suggest it may be no better than a         of time, these can cause or increase
         simple waist measurement.                          complications in the body.
         Body shape.                                         Presence of visceral fat in the belly is a
         Look in the mirror. If your body is an apple       sign of metabolic syndrome, a collection of
         shape -- a big trunk and slimmer legs -- it        disorders that include high blood pressure,

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