Page 18 - Seniorstoday June2023
P. 18

Point of View

         Say These Things

         Instead of “Sorry”

         Oftentimes, we say sorry without cause or reason.  A reflexive apology can
         actually make you appear ingenuine or even under confident, writes
         Vinita Alvares Fernandes

         The first three words that every parent is in      apologising, It’s time to start taking a
         a rush to let their children learn —‘Please,       different approach to express what you truly
         Thank-you, Sorry’.                                 mean and consider a few alternatives to the
          We take these words with us through life          “I’m sorry” stuck record.
         and flippantly use them without knowing             Here are a few ways of expressing feelings
         the depth or intimacy that goes along with         —
         the use of these words, often not being able to    Show understanding —
         differentiate between the use for a personal       It’s common to apologise to show sympathy
         heartfelt deed or misdeed or  business jargon.     for another person’s situation but instead
          “Im sorry’ rolls off our tongues so smoothly,     of saying sorry, try to offer understanding
         without the slightest bit of hesitation.           or even some validation to create a more
         intentionally or unintentionally. While            meaningful heart to heart.
         showing remorse when you have caused               Example: I hear you.
         pain is important, there is a big difference
         between saying sorry and apologising.              Thank you —
          Oftentimes, we say sorry without cause or         Apologising is for remorse. An earnest
         reason. While you may think this reflexive         thank you expresses gratitude. Instead of
         apology shows respect or empathy, it can           instinctively saying sorry, opt for a thank
         actually make you appear ingenuine or even         you. A genuine “thank you” can be more
         under confident.                                   appropriate than an apology in some
          If you struggle with chronic over-                situations.

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