Page 22 - Seniorstoday June2023
P. 22
The dangers of an expanding belly
We tend to accept weight gain as a part of growing older, overlooking how
dangerous it is to our health, writes Dr Nandini Saini
We tend to accept weight gain, and by and influence obesity.
association, an increase in the waist Gender – researchers have found that men
circumference, as a part of growing older. have a higher tendency to collect visceral
Little do most people know how dangerous fat than women.
that expanding belly can be. Age – Interestingly, fat storage changes
Belly fat is of 2 types: with age, especially in women. Whereas
1. Subcutaneous premenopausal fat collection is usually
This layer of fat is just under the skin, the subcutaneous, post menopause, fat starts
one you can easily pinch between your accumulating around the abdomen.
fingers. Ethnicity – It has been observed that
2. Visceral Europeans tend to have excessive visceral
It’s the hidden abdominal fat- the fat that fat, as compared to other ethnic groups.
surrounds the abdominal organs and the Diet – a diet high in calories and low in
intestines. It usually isn’t visible externally; proteins leads to formation of excess fat,
even a flat bellied person could be having which can get stored as visceral fat.
visceral fat. Alcohol – Excess alcohol can cause
Because it isn’t easily detected, we end up inflammation and fatty deposition around
ignoring this fat – and it can lead to serious the liver, leading to chronic liver disease.
complications. Studies have shown that men are more
Reasons for excessive visceral fat: susceptible to alcoholic liver disease than
Genetics – Research shows that genetics women.
could play a role in a person’s metabolism Lack of exercise – Calorie intake and