Page 19 - Seniorstoday June2023
P. 19

Example- If you are late, don’t apologise          In times of conflict or differing opinions —
        for being late, say “Thank you for waiting         If you experience conflict or a difference
        for me.”                                           of perspective and opinions with
                                                           someone, you may feel the instinctive
        Be relatable —                                     urge to apologise. Remember that this is
        Show compassion and understanding with             unnecessary. Instead of saying sorry in
        a relatable statement instead of an apology.       these situations, try acknowledging their
        Example: if someone is talking about a             views while maintaining yours.
        fight with a friend or an altercation with         Example: ‘I understand your point of
        a colleague, choose to say,                        view’ or ‘I appreciate your input, but…’
        ‘That sounds frustrating,’                         are effective alternatives to “I’m sorry.”
         ‘That’s unfortunate,’
        ‘How disappointing,’                               Apologise without using the word sorry —
         instead of saying “I’m sorry”.                    An apology is about taking responsibility
        These statements show support without              for your wrong actions. Next time you feel
        unnecessarily taking the blame for                 compelled to say “sorry,”  don’t use that
        something that is not about you.                   word. Apologise without it.  Here are some
                                                           synonyms for sorry.
        Use unfortunately —                                  I can’t apologise enough.
        When inconvenient circumstances are                  I’m regretful.
        out of your control like a traffic jam, an           Pardon me.
        accident or unforeseen situation, DO                 Forgive me.
        NOT APOLOGISE. You may feel the                      My mistake
        impulse to apologise but remember you                My bad.
        aren’t to blame. Instead of apologising in
        these situations, simply acknowledge the           Practice empathy instead of sympathy —
        unfortunate occurrence of these situations.        “I’m sorry” usually shows sympathy.
        If something is not in your control, don’t         Instead, practice empathy. Try to
        blame yourself.                                    understand what the other person might be
        Example: Thats unfortunate or                      feeling and share their experience.  Sorry
        unfortunately this happened.                       often conveys sympathy, which rarely
                                                           makes the other person feel better, heard or
        Pardon me —                                        valued.
        You can simply say ‘Excuse me’ or ‘Pardon          Example: a warm smile, a nod, a pat on
        me’ in certain situations instead of   “I’m        the shoulder or hand holding are the
        sorry”.                                            perfect body language you could use if
                                                           words don’t come easy.

                                                           Talk about how you will make it right or
                                                           make it up to them —
                                                           It can be challenging to talk about citations
                                                           where you have hurt someone or made a
                                                           mistake. Rather than apologising in these

        SENIORS TODAY | ISSUE #48 | JUNE 2023                                                               19
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