Page 3 - Seniorstoday March 2022 Issue
P. 3

Publisher’s Note

            Have we really got rid of Covid? Or…

         What are the lessons that governments and          substantially and quickly after the new variant
         individual have learnt from Covid and airborne     arrived. It is also suggested that our immunity is
         diseases of which the world still does not have a   no longer sufficient to prevent an infection. Our
         complete understanding? Germs that appear out      immunity could have waned since we were last
         of nowhere insulate themselves in our body and     infected and enhance the need for vaccine booster.
         do unpredictable harm. Some in spite of living in   Scientists believe primary infections in vaccinated
         the same space do not get the disease and others   people are less severe than primary infection in
         succumb to it.                                     unvaccinated people which is why hospitalisation
          All the advances in science are unable to provide   is lower. It is known that the severity of Covid
         any answers. Vaccinations, pills, booster doses,   varies from one variant to another. However, it is
         all seem to enrich manufacturers. Do we really     difficult to distinguish how much of the difference
         understand how the world works? Or should we       is due to strength of the variant and how much
         just shrug our shoulders and accept it as the Will   is due to levels of Covid immunity from a prior
         of God. Men of science can always question the     infection and vaccination.
         existence of God and blame the pandemic on the      Hence, while it is possible that re-infections would
         environment or anything else that one can theorise   be milder, at this moment, we do not have strong
         upon. One source says that it was chemical war     evidence to prove this is true. It is also possible that
         fare developed in the United States, stolen by the   despite all the booster shots and vaccinations, you
         Chinese who couldn’t handle it and that’s how the   could get the Covid disease a second time. It has
         destruction happened. Another source will say      happened to me. A religious man once told me that
         that this was inflicted by China on the world, and   there are 3000 diseases God keeps in reserve for
         how the Chinese took control of businesses and     humanity and when we conquer one, he unleashes
         elaborate explanations are offered to support this   another.
         view.                                               Long live humanity!
          So, has the pandemic ended? Could there
         be another re-infection? And why are these
         re-infections increasing. There has been the
         appearance of a viral variant like Omicron. Some   Vickram Sethi
         believe that the risk of re-infection increased    Publisher and Editor-in-Chief

        SENIORS TODAY | ISSUE #33 | MARCH 2022                                                              3
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