Page 8 - Seniorstoday March 2022 Issue
P. 8
• Tomatoes walnuts are said to protect the brain and
Along with a healthy dose of Vit E and improve memory and cognition.
C, tomatoes also have high water content • Brazil nuts
(95%), making them extremely beneficial in They contain large quantities of Selenium,
cases of dehydration. an important ingredient of essential
Anti-oxidants like Lycopene, also found in enzymes whichhelp protect the body from
tomatoes in a high percentage, help to fight infections. They also regularize thyroid
heart diseases, diabetes and cancer. They functions.
are also good for the skin. Studies show • Almond
they might protect a person from strokes. Rich in Vit E as well as fiber, almonds help
in weight loss and help keep the skin and
hair healthy.
Dried fruits and Nuts
• Prunes
Prunes (dried plums) contain about fifteen
vitamins and minerals, making them very Seeds
nutritious. The presence of anti-oxidants in • Sunflower seeds
large quantities helps reduce inflammation Besides being rich in proteins and fibre,
and fight the free radicals in the body. these are also good sources of mono and
They are extremely rich in polyphenols, poly saturated fats, making tem extremely
a type of plant chemical that boosts bone heart friendly. They are also greatanti-
density. They also show the presence of oxidants, and haveanti-agingproperties.
psyllium, a very effective laxative. • Flaxseed
• Walnuts Also called linseed, these have a very
Nutritionists regularly prescribe a daily high fiber content which helps in weight
intake of this dry fruit – 3 to 4 pieces reduction, maintenance and regulation
every day. That’s because walnuts are of blood glucose levels as well as blood
little packets of multi vitamins and other pressure. It is a rich source of omega
essentials and very very good for you. 3 amino acids, helping in increasing
They deliver a healthy dose of it Vit E, immunity.
beneficial for skin and hair health. Also rich
in omega 3 fatty acids, they protect the heart Vegetables
from damage. • Bok choy
The walnut’s shell looks like a miniature Packed with cancer fighting compounds
brain, and although it’s purely co incident, such as Vit C, antioxidants, beta carotene