Page 7 - Seniorstoday March 2022 Issue
P. 7

diseases.                                          certainly pack a healthy punch. They are
          They are used extensively in herbal               loaded with multivitamins, in particular,
         medicine for a variety of illnesses ranging        Vit K, which helps maintain bone structure
         from viral infections to diseases like             as well as promote clotting. The folate
         Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s.                       present helps in maintaininghealthy
         • Strawberries                                     fetuses.
         Besides tastingheavenly, Strawberries              They have a high fat content (good fat), a
         are packed with Vit C and antioxidants,            requirement of body cells. They might also
         helping you fight inflammation and                 help fight depression.
         infection. They are also packed with               • Olives
         phytochemicals, which could protect you            Along with high levels of vitamin E, which
         from colon cancer.                                 makes it a super anti-oxidant, they are also
                                                            rich in oleic acid, a type of monosaturated
                                                            fatty acid that maintains your lipids. They
                                                            keep the heart healthy and the blood sugars
                                                            • Oranges
                                                            An orange can provide you with more than
                                                            100% of the body’s daily dose of Vit C. It is
                                                            also very rich in folate.
                                                            • Kiwi
         Fruits                                             Containing Vit C and Anti-oxidants in
         • Watermelon                                       abundance, this fruit increases your
         At 92% water content, it’s one of the best         immunity levels, and reduces the free
         foods to keep you hydrated. The low                radicals in the body, helping in anti-ageing
         calorific value and high water content make        The high fibre present helps protect the
         ita great option for weight reduction.             heart and reduces constipation. It also
         It also has vitamins, anti-oxidants in             contains carotenoids, which, combined
         abundance, and helps fight free radicals in        with the Vit C and Anti-oxidants, helps
         the body, potentially protecting you from          improve ocular health and vision.
         systemic diseases like diabetes and cardiac        • Banana
         illnesses. It’s also good for a healthy skin.      Well known for their high fibre, they help
         • Apples                                           with adequate bowel movements, having a
         Not for nothing do they say “An apple a day        probiotic effect at the same time.
         keeps the doctor away”! Rich in fibre, anti-       What people don’t know is, bananas
         oxidants as well as a lot of multi vitamins,       also contain healthy levels of potassium
         apples can aid weight loss, promote gut            and multivitamins. The potassium helps
         health, lower cholesterol and sugar levels.        protect theheart and lower hypertension.
         They contain an anti-oxidant called                They are also good antioxidants.
         quercetin, which could help fight certain          • Grapes
         types of cancers.                                  One of theleading sources of resveratrol,
         • Avocado                                          they are heart friendly. They also impart
         Popular for their taste, these fruits              this cardiac friendly goodness to red wine.

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