Page 29 - Seniorstoday March 2023
P. 29

keeping your arms locked.                          How to do it-
         ● The first step is to shrug and the second        ● Start in a standing position with your
         step is to push the ground away.                   feet shoulder-width apart. Hinge at your
         ● The last step is to pull your shoulders          hips and push it back with a slight bend in
         down and pull your shoulder blades                 your knees (until your chest is parallel to
         together.                                          the ground) Then, with your arms by your
         ● Repeat this move for 45 seconds in each          side and your palms facing up, extend your
         direction.                                         shoulders as far as possible and move your
                                                            arms as if you’re making a snow angel.
         6. The Move: The 90-90 —                           ● Aim for at least five reps total.
         This move targets your hips and lower              Some benefits of working on your
         back by reducing muscle tension and                mobility —
         increases your range of motion in your             1. Decreased risk of injury
         joints.                                            2. Increased quality of life
         How to do it-                                      3. Increased muscle activation
         ● Flex both knees while bent at a 90-degree        4. Improved range of motion
         angle, both going the same way.                    5. Reduced body pain
         ● Sit up with your back straight. The way          On A final note...
         you angle your torso depends on where              Regular physical activity can help prevent
         you want to feel the stretch.                      many common diseases and injuries. In
         ● Increase the intensity of this stretch by        addition to your exercise routine, try to
         driving your shin into the ground for 10 to        incorporate these movements to build
         15 seconds. for another 60 seconds.                your mobility and strengthen your body.
                                                            There’s no need to make a massive shift in
         7. The Move: Reverse snow angel —                  your routine.
         This move targets your shoulders and               “Mobility is essential to our quality of life
         back.                                              as we get older.”

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