Page 25 - Seniorstoday March 2023
P. 25

unsalted butter and coconut oil- anyone can        way of nutrients. As it gives a sensation of
         prepare this and partake of its goodness.          satiety, you lose out on nutrients you would
          Just add about 1 tbsp. of coconut oil and 1       otherwise have invested in a complete meal.
         tbsp. unsalted butter to a cup of coffee, and      Conclusion-
         blend it for 30 to 40 seconds, till you get a      At the end of the day, there isn’t much
         foamy latte. If you are avoiding butter, ghee      difference between ghee and butter. In
         can be used as an alternative.                     small quantities, both are beneficial for the
          People find that it gives a sense of fullness     body. And both are better than the various
         and reduces overall appetite, making it a          vegetable oils available in the market.
         part of their diet plan. It is also believed to be   However, for a person allergic to milk,
         a source of long lasting energy and mental         or one with lactose intolerance, ghee is
         clarity. The MCT present in coconut oil is         definitely the preferred choice.
         converted to ketones, which provide the             Its higher smoke point also makes ghee the
         energy required for the mind to stay sharp         preferable for Indian cuisine.
         and clear.                                          So the next time you sit down for a meal,
          The downside- Except for fats and Vitamin         don’t forget to add the 1 tsp of ghee to your
         A, butter coffee does not offer much in the        dal…in fact, relish it!

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