Page 27 - Seniorstoday March 2023
P. 27


          The Mobility Routine

          Everyone Over 40 Should Be Doing

         As much as we would like to age like fine wine our mobility needs extra

         attention to keep us comfortable and active, writes Vinita Alvares

         It is known that the weight of the body is
         held by your legs. As we get old we feel the       Mobility exercises for everyone over
         pressure of walking up a flight of stairs or       40 will help your joints stay flexible by
         often hear ourselves complaining about             stretching them out, it will allow you
         our rickety knees because weak legs are a          to workout for longer, reduce joint and
         common problem as we age due to loss of            muscular pain and even risk of injury.
         muscle mass. As much as we would like to            Here are some mobility exercises you
         age like fine wine our mobility needs extra        should add to your workout regimen to
         attention to keep up.                              keep your joints and muscles supple.
          Once we hit the big 4-0, they say it could        1. The Move: Ankle stretch —
         be even as early as 30, that our body starts       This exercise targets the ankle and helps
         its downward des cend. Both men and                relieve knee tension.
         women suffer from sarcopenia, or a loss in         How to do it-
         muscle mass which can cause back pain,             ● Stand with one toe touching the wall (at
         shoulder pain, knee pain, compromised              floor level) and the rest of your body one
         movement and even loss of cartilage.               foot away from the wall.
         But every situation comes with a silver            ● Try pushing your knee past your toes
         lining. While it won’t completely cure the         and keep your heel on the ground until
         symptoms that come with age, exercise will         you can feel the stretch in your calf.
         help.                                              ● Do this for 60 seconds on each foot with
          Especially certain targeted movements.            a 60 second break between sets (3sets).
 Continued on Page No 36
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