Page 28 - Seniorstoday March 2023
P. 28
2. The Move: Glute bridges with a goes towards the ceiling, your torso and
resistance band — arms together form a capital “T” shape.
This exercise helps relieve and even fend ● Hold this position for a few seconds and
off back pain. then twist back down.
How to do it- ● Return to the pushup position and do the
● Wrap the resistance band around your stretch on the other side.
legs just above the knees.
● Lie face up on a mat with your knees bent
and feet flat on the floor.
● Place your arms on your sides with your
palms facing up.
● Now keeping your feet flat on the floor,
squeeze your glutes to raise your hip off
the floor until your body forms a straight
line from your knees to your shoulders.
● As you lift your body, the band above 4. The Move: Cat cow —
your knees will try to pull your knees This move stretches the hips, abdomen,
together. This is where you come in to fight back and strengthens the spine and neck.
against the band to keep your knees apart. How to do it-
● This resistance will engage your hip ● Start on all fours with the top and toes of
muscle structure. your feet pressed firmly into the ground.
● As you’re raise yourself up, don’t let ● To begin the cat phase, tuck your
your heels come off the floor! tailbone in to push your spine toward the
● Repeat for three sets of five to eight reps ceiling, making the shape of a hump. As
to reap all the wonderful benefits of this you do this, lengthen your neck so that
move. your ears come down by your biceps.
● Then, slowly move into cow position.
3. The Move: Long half-kneel with “T” Drop your belly towards the floor, draw
reach — your shoulders away from your ears, and
This exercise helps loosen your thoracic gaze up towards the ceiling.
spine. ● Alternate between the cat positon and
How to do it- the cow position at least five times.
● Get into a traditional pushup position
with your hands directly below your 5. The Move: Shoulder CARs (Controlled
shoulders and your body forming a Articular Rotations) —
straight line from your head to your heels. This move reduces the pressure on your
● Then drop your left knee to the ground shoulders and targets the upper back,
and bring your right foot up close to your neck, and shoulders.
shoulder so that your foot is flat on the How to do it-
ground. Keep your left hand planted firmly ● Start on all fours with your fingertips
on the ground. pointing to the sides.
● Lift your right hand off the ground and ● With your shoulder joint, draw a box
twist your torso so that your right hand that will move your shoulder blades while