Page 3 - Seniorstoday March 2023
P. 3
Publisher’s Note
Beware the Ides of March
Remember March, the Ides of March? Did not the warning on the San Andreas Fault which is a
great Julius bleed for justice’ sake? continental right-lateral strike-slip transform fault
‘Beware the Ides of March’ is one of the most that extends roughly 1,200 kilometres through
famous quotes from William Shakespeare’s California. It forms the tectonic boundary between
Julius Caesar. The meaning of the ‘Ides of March’ the Pacific Plate and the North American Plate.
is March 15, the day on which Julius Caesar was It seems that a massive earthquake of 9.5 on the
assassinated (both in reality and in the play). Richter scale is about to happen and that would
The expression ‘Beware the Ides of March’ was completely destroy California and its neighbouring
popularised as a line from William Shakespeare’s area. The effects could be felt around the world.
play Julius Caesar. In the play, the line is spoken to Closer to home we have seen the impending
Caesar by a soothsayer as a warning of his coming destructions of Joshimath where a large number of
assassination. houses have cracked.
Beware the Ides of March has become particularly The weather change is there for all of us to feel
associated with political contexts, but it can also be rains in February and March. The seasawing
used more generally in reference to other potential summer-winter fluctuations and a variety of
misfortune. diseases that have caused havoc. It seems as if
Almost as if the prophecy has come true, there are Mother Earth is giving up on us. Surely, we need to
natural disasters that the earth is throwing up one beware of the Ides of March.
after the other. The Turkey and Syrian earthquakes
and the subsequent floods, the gut-wrenching
images of the disaster-death and destructions all
shake you up.
The continuous volcanic eruptions in the island of
Java. All point to the prophecy of Ides of March. Vickram Sethi
The other disaster waiting to happen is the Publisher and Editor-in-Chief