Page 7 - Seniorstoday March 2023
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insulin to regulate blood sugar levels • Poor diet: A diet high in processed foods,
properly. saturated fats, and sugary drinks can
increase the risk of developing diabetes.
Risk factors:
Several factors increase the risk of Impact of diabetes on seniors:
developing diabetes as we age, including: Diabetes can have a significant impact on
• Family history of diabetes: If one or seniors’ health and quality of life. Over
more family members have diabetes, the time, high blood sugar levels can damage
risk of developing the condition is two blood vessels, nerves, and organs, leading
to three times more than those without a to a range of complications, including:
family history of diabetes. 1. Heart disease and stroke: Diabetes can
• Overweight or obesity: Excess weight, increase the risk of heart disease and stroke
particularly in the abdominal area, is by damaging the blood vessels and making
associated with insulin resistance, which them more prone to blockages, leading to
impairs the body’s ability to use insulin reduced blood flow and increased risk of
effectively to regulate blood sugar levels. clots.
• Physical inactivity: Lack of physical 2. Kidney disease: High blood sugar
activity can lead to weight gain and levels can damage the tiny blood vessels
increase the risk of developing diabetes. in the kidneys, leading to reduced kidney
• Hypertension or High blood pressure: function and an increased risk of kidney
High blood pressure can increase the risk disease.
of developing Type 2 diabetes by causing 3. Vision problems and blindness:
insulin resistance and damaging the blood Diabetes can cause damage to the blood
vessels in the pancreas. vessels in the retina, leading to vision
• High Cholesterol levels: Elevated problems and blindness.
cholesterol levels can lead to the 4. Nerve damage and numbness in
accumulation of plaque in the arteries, the feet and hands: High blood sugar
narrowing them and restricting blood flow. levels can damage the nerves, leading
When the artery leading to the pancreas is to numbness, tingling, and other nerve-
affected, it may impair insulin production, related symptoms in the feet and hands.
increasing the risk of developing diabetes. 5. Wound healing problems and
• Smoking: The harmful chemicals in infections: High blood sugar levels can
tobacco smoke can damage cells and impair the body’s ability to fight infections
tissues, leading to insulin resistance and an and slow down the healing process, leading
increased risk of developing diabetes. to increased risk of infections and delayed
wound healing.
6. Increased risk of infections:
Diabetes can weaken the immune system,
making it harder for the body to fight off
infections, leading to an increased risk of
various infections, such as skin infections,
gum infections, and urinary tract