Page 15 - Seniorstoday March 2024 Issue
P. 15
particularly unhappy with Rajeev. He had
come to Poona for the long weekend but
stayed back for ten days.
He wanted us to come to Bangalore where
he lived for Dassehra and promised to send
us back by Diwali. Rahul in the meanwhile
started freelancing creating ads for a few
advertising companies and pretty much
making enough to take care of his needs.
We were still giving Rajeev pocket money,
whenever the brothers fought Rahul for the funeral and was surprised at my
always told him that at twenty four he composed state of heart. I felt happy that
ought to get a job and get off dad’s payroll. my husband was relieved of the misery
This bothered Rajeev no end and he would of daily living. My brother and my sons
bring up his being gay and all the abuses. took him to the crematorium, the entire
By this time Rahul also had friends who neighbourhood turned up, I didn’t go
were similarly inclined and pretty much at because I couldn’t bear to see his funeral
peace with himself. pyre. Once the rituals with the death were
There was no joy in our relationship, over, my brother wanted to take me to
interactions were more about navigating Bangalore but I refused.
tensions than sharing happiness. A month and half later, I got out of the
Relationships were now more like a house and went to the temple. From there
duty than a source of joy. This stress had on I went to the bank and met the manager
affected my husband’s health, the lack of and informed him of my husband’s demise.
genuine happiness not only diminished I got my passbook updated and we had
the quality of our relationship but also about a crore rupees in the bank, most of it
signalled a loss of the relationship’s core in Fixed Deposits. This was all the money
vitality. Joy had become the exception that we got back from the US. I reached
rather than the norm. It was clear that this home and left the passbook in the car. The
constant bickering had pushed us into driver came to return it and Rajeev opened
a corner of anxiety and unhappiness far the door and saw the passbook. He was
removed from the comfort and security shocked to see that we had so much money,
that we should have to enjoy in our senior I had no idea that Rajeev had gone through
years. my passbook and saw our balances. This
One night my husband said that he was made things even worse, within a week
feeling uneasy and Rahul drove us to the he started saying that I should buy him a
hospital. It seems he had had another separate flat. When I said NO, he quoted
stroke and the doctor gave us (and him) the money we had in the bank and said
twenty four hours. He was put on oxygen after I die he would get half of it. So why
and IV fluids. At 2.30am, he told the nurse not give it to him now. Matters got worse
to please open the window. “My Dad has between brothers, there was constant
come to visit me,” he murmured, and he bickering and abuse.
passed away at 4am. My brother flew in Rahul was successful with his