Page 18 - Seniorstoday March 2024 Issue
P. 18
120 colleges and universities across the This includes conducting research at
world. These institutions promote positive their Center for Hospice, Palliative Care
and healthy aging through innovative and End-of-Life Studies. The center
educational programs, research agendas, works to ensure better quality of life
civic engagement opportunities and more. for older adults in the future. Similarly,
the Center for Social and Demographic
What are age-friendly universities? Research on Aging at UMass Boston
works with communities throughout the
commonwealth to research what older
adults need and how the community can
provide for them.
All of these examples are from
universities that are part of the Age-
Friendly University Global Network.
But this designation just builds on what
An age-friendly university is one that many universities have long been doing.
commits to including and supporting For example, the Osher Lifelong Learning
learners of all ages. What this means may Institutes have helped universities design
vary from university to university. Some programs to reach older adults for decades.
focus on increasing the presence of older These include offerings such as dance
adults – considered age 55 and older – on classes, wine tastings and educational
campus. Others lead the development of trips.
health and research initiatives to improve How age-friendly universities improve
the lives of older adults. life for older students
At Mississippi State University, where Whether older adults go to college to earn
one of us works, the focus on learners at all academic credits toward a degree or just
stages of life is growing. The new College for personal development, their presence
of Professional and Continuing Studies on campus benefits the entire benefits the
develops and supports both credit and entire community.
noncredit programs for nontraditional Older adults benefit from social
students. opportunities, intellectual stimulation and
We are also working with the city of personal growth. This even extends to their
Starkville, Mississippi, where one of us health. Older adults involved in social
is located, to ensure it is an attractive activities are less likely to develop certain
destination for retirees. And we offer diseases, including heart disease and
extension programs across the state that some cancers. Continued learning is also
are of interest to many older adults, such associated with positive health outcomes,
as the master gardener program, which such as improved general well-being and
involves 40 hours of educational training mental health.
in consumer horticulture. Research also shows that
Other schools, such as the University of intergenerational relationships on campus
South Florida, emphasize the importance can reduce younger students’ negative
of engaging older adults in research. perceptions of older adults. Young