Page 24 - Seniorstoday May 2022 Issue
P. 24

points. Repeat till you feel better.               irritation, due to its high menthol content.
          Carry this along if travelling makes you a        Do not use peppermint oil around new-
         bit giddy and headachy. Hold a cool mint           borns, children and pets.
         towel on your forehead, press it against           ● Check for allergies. Citrus oils,
         the back of your neck, or rub it over your         peppermint oil, even aloe can cause
         tummy clockwise; and take a few deep               redness, itching, burning, or irritation,
         breaths of the aroma. You can do this with         when you are pre- disposed to allergies.
         any of the above essential oils that you           ● If your skin is sensitive, take more
         connect with but peppermint works best             precautions. LESS is always MORE!
         for any aches and nausea.                          Essential oil, aloe vera and any product has
          Inhaling the aroma is an essential part of        the potential to aggravate dry sensitive and
         using aromatherapy. The healing process is         inflamed skin. When in doubt, use only
         kickstarter when the limbic system in your         ice-cold water to splash your skin. Do this
         brain inhales an aroma through your nose,          frequently on a hot day.
         and sends messages via neural pathways             ● Always dilute essential oils in glycerin,
         to the brain and via your nervous system to        aloe vera, carrier oils etc. before applying
         the rest of your body.                             them on your skin.
         Precautions when using essential oils              ● Be aware of any contra-indications for
         ● Please make sure your source of oils is          use and if in doubt consult a qualified and
         credible. Buy the purest and organic grade         experienced professional aromatherapist
         quality. I have mentioned their specific           for further advice.
         botanical names in consideration of their           I have mentioned the ways in which
         benefits.                                          you can use essential oils to cool and
         ● Do not use peppermint oil in conjunction         calm your senses. There are diverse other
         with any homeopathic treatments.                   ways in which we use essential oils as a
         ● Peppermint oil might cause skin                  complementary treatment for therapy.

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