Page 21 - Seniorstoday May 2022 Issue
P. 21

like depression, indigestion, headache,            essential oils as the major  therapeutic
         insomnia, muscular pain, respiratory               agents to treat several diseases. The
         problems, skin  ailments, swollen joints,          essential or  volatile oils are extracted from
         urine  associated complications etc.  The          the flowers, barks, stem, leaves, roots, fruits
         essential oils  are found  to be more              and other parts of the plant by various
         beneficial when other  aspects  of life  and       methods. It came  into existence  after the
         diet are  given due  consideration                 scientists  deciphered the antiseptic  and
         Aromatherapy is a complementary                    skin permeability  properties  of essential
         therapy which uses essential oils as the           oils. Inhalation, local  application and
         major therapeutic agents to treat several          baths  are the major methods used in
         diseases. Recent times prove it is effective       aromatherapy that utilize these oils to
         in achieving the balance of good mental            penetrate the human skin surface with
         health.                                            a marked aura. Once the oils are in the
          The pure essential or volatile oils are           system, they  remodulate themselves
         extracted from the flowers, barks, stem,           and work in  a friendly manner at the
         leaves, roots, fruits and other parts of           site of malfunction  or at the affected
         plants by various methods. Aromatherapy            area. This type of  therapy utilizes
         gained more favour after scientists                various permutation  and  combinations
         deciphered the antiseptic and skin                 to  get relief from numerous  ailments
         permeability properties of essential oils.         like depression, indigestion, headache,
         Inhalation, local application and baths are        insomnia, muscular pain, respiratory
         the major methods used in aromatherapy             problems, skin  ailments, swollen joints,
         that utilise these oils to penetrate the           urine  associated complications etc.  The
         human skin surface with marked aura.               essential oils  are found  to be more
         Once the oils are in the system, they              beneficial when other  aspects  of life  and
         remodulate themselves – owing to a low             diet are  given due  consideration
         molecular composition they can travel               Here are a few oils that you can keep
         through the bloodstream — and work in a            handy – (only in your hands; and away
         friendly manner at the affected area.              from pets and children), this is because we
          Aromatherapy utilises various                     do not generally prescribe using essential
         permutations and combinations to get relief        oils “neat”. They may seem harmless, but
         from numerous ailments like depression             due precautions need to be adhered to
         (extremely useful), indigestion, headache,         whilst using concentrated essential oils.
         insomnia, muscular pain, respiratory
         problems, skin ailments, swollen joints,           Peppermint oil (Mentha piperita)
         etc.  Aromatherapy is found to be more
         beneficial when other aspects of life and
         diet are given due consideration.
          Nowadays, use  of alternative  and
         complementary  therapies  with
         ainstream  medicine has gained
         momentum. Aromatherapy  is one  of  the
         complementary  therapies which use

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