Page 20 - Seniorstoday May 2022 Issue
P. 20

Cover Story - Wellness

         Have a cool(er) summer

         with these oils

         Deepa Desa suggests some essential oils to cool you down from the
         scorching temperatures

         As I get older, my relationship with the           momentum. Aromatherapy  is one  of  the
         heat has morphed inversely; to an extent           complementary  therapies which use
         that I actually put off daytime errands due        essential oils as the major  therapeutic
         to paranoia of the heat.  If you resonate          agents to treat several diseases. The
         with my predicament, you would already             essential or  volatile oils are extracted from
         be having a list in place of the things you        the flowers, barks, stem, leaves, roots, fruits
         need to do to help you through summer.             and other parts of the plant by various
         Fortunately, being an aromatherapist has           methods. It came  into existence  after the
         led me to make use of a few essential oils         scientists  deciphered the antiseptic  and
         that both revive and cool me – mind, body          skin permeability  properties  of essential
         and soul, through our hot summer months.           oils. Inhalation, local  application and
         I agree. Oil and summer seem as                    baths  are the major methods used in
         implausible as eating ice-cream while it’s         aromatherapy that utilize these oils to
         snowing! But you see, an essential oil is not      penetrate the human skin surface with
         an oil technically. It is the pure water-based     marked aura. Once the oils are in the
         extract of plants.                                 system, they  remodulate themselves
                                                            and work in  a friendly manner at the
         A bit about Aromatherapy                           site of malfunction  or at the affected
         Nowadays, use  of alternative  and                 area. This type of  therapy utilizes
         complementary  therapies  with                     various permutation  and  combinations
         ainstream  medicine has gained the                 to  get relief from numerous  ailments

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