Page 20 - Seniorstoday May 2023 Issue
P. 20
A Story of a Tale – 2
The sun never really sets, but keeps brightening lives, writes Nagesh Alai
Akash and his companion were sitting together in some prescient cosmic scheme.
at the Marine Drive promenade in Akash lived and grew up in a housing
south Mumbai, famously carrying the society, in Central Mumbai, surrounding
sobriquet of the Queens’s Necklace, with a huge ground, where the children
the expansive seafront on one side and congregated everyday evening for some
the fabulous art deco buildings on the play after the daylong drama of lessons
other side and the bejewelled street lights and homework at schools. The housing
shimmering on the surfy waters like complex consisted of a few buildings
diamonds, making for a utopian setting and the 120 odd families were all from
for the lovelorn. They had come to have middle class background with different
a quite evening together to soak in the tongues of speech and quite close knit
setting of the red sun, the riot of colours with the language of love and bonhomie
spraying the skies awash, the gorgeous permeating enduring relationships. Most
Governor’s residence at the far end of the followed an open door policy and anyone
horizon and the silhouette of the peripheral was welcome to drop in anytime to have a
skyline. Mumbai does have its charm amid cuppa, some chit-chat, indulging in sweets
all its grime. As they were enjoying the and savouries, some borrowed newspaper
togetherness, holding hands, Akash could reading time, free-loading of some salt
not help reminiscing about his childhood or sugar, making telephone calls and
past and the adulthood present and the generally having pleasant moments and
wonderful circle of life that throw people leaving sweet memories. Every festival,