Page 22 - Seniorstoday May 2023 Issue
P. 22

Akshada’s life too was similar, as Akash           himself in keeping up with the latest
         learnt from his friend. She had finished her       technology and all that is good with the
         studies and migrated abroad to settle down         social media. He was a member of several
         with her husband and children. Life moves          groups in Facebook like the Old Bombay
         on for sure, given the resilience of the           Group and several other meaningful ones
         Homo sapiens in all their complexities.            which prided themselves in useful and
          Everything was on going fine till one             informative posts on several relevant
        day Akash’s life got disrupted, not by the          matters. In the course of his digital
        usual retirement from the job, but by an            navigation he came across one called ‘The
        unexpected turn of events. His wife, who            Group Company’ and his interest was
        had been an excellent homemaker and a               aroused, naturally curious that he always
        great support to the family, had gone the           had been. On a deeper dive, he discovered
        spiritual route for quite some time and             that this group is all about bringing
        finally in keeping with the philosophy              together all singles, man or woman,
        of the Hindu dharma, expressed a desire             united by a desire for companionship, on
        to relinquish the home-life and move                a common platform and help build new
        to an ashram in the mountainous areas               relationships. Staying in a megapolis
        of Uttarakhand, never to return. In all             like Mumbai, Akash was pining for some
        fairness, she had taken Akash and her               companionship to spend his sunset years.
        children into confidence in advance                 He joined the group and started visiting it
        about her inner desires and then took the           regularly and scouring the other aspirants
        decision. Akash and his children, in the            seeking companionship. The site enabled
        fitness of the things and empathy with              bespoke slicing of members’ data. Akash
        the lady of the house, had reluctantly              kept it simple and elicited data on an
        agreed. Akash recalled his own cousin               alphabetical basis and Mumbai based. His
        who had given it up all at 21 and joined a          search threw up some seven hundred odd
        spiritual movement based in the east and            names and 120 odd names starting with the
        happy spreading spirituality and Vedantic           letter ‘A’.
        knowledge.                                           Akash excitedly went through the names,
          Akash’s life was cruising along, managing         carefully looking at each’s education
        his lonely life as best as he could, the            and background to see if any would be a
        children having long since flown the coup           good ‘match’ from the culled list. He came
        and settled abroad. He had accepted the             across 32 single women with the name
        reality that his wife would never return            Akshada. While one or two had posted
        from her vanaprastha situation and re-              their pictures along with their profile, most
        enter a householder’s life. He spent his            had not, out of abundant caution knowing
        time visiting libraries and devouring books         the dangers of digital predators. Akash’s
        and several social activities and of course         heart was now racing, suddenly flooded as
        regularly meeting his friends for a game of         he with sweet memories of his child hood
        bridge or walks and the occasional tipple,          and his friend’s cousin, Akshada.  In the
        a universal weakness as common as chips             excitement of the moment, Akash called
        and fritters.                                       his friend ( who continued to live in the
          Akash was no tech dinosaur and prided             same housing complex ) and asked about

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