Page 21 - Seniorstoday May 2023 Issue
P. 21
every function was celebrated in this in his child hood fantasy imagine that
togetherness of warmth and there never she was looking at him. In that frame of
was a dull moment. mind, he used to try and excel in the game
Akash, a diffident but an active child, – whether hitting a four or a six in cricket
of average looks and intelligence, but or a smash in the volleyball game – to him
a curious student, had several friends, Akshada was the sole audience and he had
most scholarly than him. But this eternal to please her, if not for anything else, her
comparisons and chase of marks never beatific smile. Summers were spent in such
worried him since his parents were imagination, but given the conservative
supportive of him and psychologically mind-sets of those time there never was
supported him to ensure that he passes out a temerity or temperament to express
and progresses to the next class every year. feelings of hearts to anyone. So was it with
The postman carrying the annual school Akash. And possibly with Akshada too,
results, was the most awaited person those who may or may not have had any feeling
days with a pass ensuring abundance of for Akash. Matters of hearts were best left
mithais for him. Akash and his friends deep inside to pump away all the teenage
all liked games and there was no game flutters and excitements.
that they have not played together in their In the inexorable passage of time and the
growing up days, bestowed as they were passing out of schools and the admissions
with the luxury of a private ground amid to colleges and transferrable jobs, summer
them. Cricket, football, volleyball, marbles, visits of Akshada to her cousin’s place
carrom, cards, langdi, kho -kho, lagori, you home became a rarity and eventually
name it and they have played it. petered out only to leave behind a
Akash had a close friend and neighbour despondent and pining Akash. The connect
in his building, whose cousins used to between Akash and Akshada completely
visit him annually every summer and ceased overtime, except for stray reference
spent time in the magnet called Mumbai. in conversations between Akash and his
Akshada, his friend’s cousin, was a regular friend.
visitor during school breaks. She was Life went by for Akash, from college
vivacious with a smiling countenance to higher education to jobs to finding a
and quite talkative and sporting an fresh crush, marriage and family and kids
unconventional-those-days short bob cut. and the inveterate circle of life, with all
Akash used to visit his friend’s house quite its pleasures and pains, highs and lows.
regularly and have conversations with
Akshada and her siblings about school,
story books, play games and at times go
to movies, courtesy the friend who by
then had some regular income. Playing
games on the grounds was an everyday
summer activity and Akshada used to
watch all the plays and games from her
balcony. Subconsciously, Akash used to
espy Akshada watching the games and