Page 17 - Seniorstoday May 2023 Issue
P. 17

Rapid agers experience a faster rate of             However, it is clear from studies in
         functional deterioration relative to their         identical twins – who share the same genes
         chronological age.                                 but not the same exact lifespans – that
          My grandmother, who lived to be 83 but            genes are not the only factor that influences
         was bedridden and could not remember               aging. In fact, genes probably account for
         who I was for the last few years of her life,      only  20% to 30% of biological age. This
         was a rapid ager. My grandfather, on the           suggests that other parameters can strongly
         other hand, also lived until he was 83, but        influence biological aging.
         he was active, functional and even did my
         homework with me until he passed away –            Environmental and lifestyle effects
         he was a healthy ager.
          With the unprecedented growth of the
         world’s aging population, I believe that
         figuring out ways to measure biological age
         and how to maintain or delay its advance is
         critical not only for individual health, but
         also for the social, political and economic
         health of our society. Detecting rapid agers
         early on presents an opportunity to delay,
         change or even reverse the trajectory of
         biological aging.
         Genetics and biological age                        Social connectedness and physical activity are linked to
         Biological aging is multifaceted. It arises        well-being throughout life
         from a complex mix of genetic traits and           Researchers have found that
         is influenced by factors like microbiome           environmental and lifestyle factors heavily
         composition, environment, lifestyle, stress,       influence biological age, including social
         diet and exercise.                                 connectedness, sleeping habits, water
          Genetics were once thought to have no             consumption, exercise and diet.
         influence on aging or longevity. However,           Social connectedness is essential for
         in the early 1990s, researchers reported           well-being throughout life. But social
         the first studies identifying genes that           connections can be challenging to maintain
         were able to extend the lifespan of a              over time due to loss of family and friends,
         small roundworm. Since then, multiple              depression, chronic illness or other factors.
         observations support the influence of              Several studies have reported a strong link
         genetics on aging.                                 between social isolation and increased
          For example, children of long-lived               stress, morbidity and mortality.
         parents and even those with long-lived              Similarly, diet and exercise are strong
         siblings tend to live longer. Researchers          influencers of biological age.  Blue zones
         have also identified multiple genes that           which are areas around the world where
         influence longevity and play a role in             people live long lives, attribute their
         resilience and protection from stress. These       successful aging to diet, exercise and social
         include genes that repair DNA, protect cells       connectedness. Mostly plant-based meals
         from free radicals and regulate fat levels.        and spurts of activity throughout the day

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