Page 3 - Seniorstoday November 2021 Issue
P. 3

Publisher’s Note

                                The Bond with Bond

        The Cover Story of this issue is about a man who    guns that broke all barriers, and cars that could
        changed history— Field Marshal Sam Manekshaw        traverse any journey.
        popularly known as Sam Bahadur, the architect        Every young man wanted to be James Bond and
        of India’s victory over Pakistan in 1971, that      I was no exception. Once the movies came out, the
        eventually led to the creation of Bangladesh. The   fantasies of so many men came alive. Here was this
        innumerable anecdotes that surround this man        macho man out to conquer evil and in the process
        only add to his greatness. His honesty, sense       got to seduce the most gorgeous women, and
        of humour and ability to be right and not let       eventually the triumph of good. The gadgets, the
        arrogance into his door were sterling qualities     cars added to the fantasies. The most iconic of Bond
        that made the man. Frankly, I don’t think a 2000-   images is of Ursula Andress emerging from the
        word essay can do justice to Field Marshal Sam      water in a white bikini. His famous line “shaken
        Manekshaw.                                          but not stirred” lent itself to a whole lot of sexual
          Deepa Gahlot revisits James Bond, an enduring     innuendos.
        icon of the movie world. I was an avid reader of Ian    In the recently released Bond film ‘No Time To
        Fleming books, I have probably read all of them.    Die’, the woman asks whether it’s his first time. Ian
        There was something about his story style, the racy   Fleming would be turning in his grave! I dread the
        narrative got me hooked at that point of my life    day when James would have to go cruising to find
        (I was all of 15). I had graduated from reading the   John. Till then, Rest in Peace, Ian.
        exciting Biggles stories about a Second World War
        hero, by Captain W E Johns. For every adolescent
        who loves action, Biggles had a lot of war action but
        Bond was even better. Not only did it have action
        but also sex. There was that allure he exuded; being   Vickram Sethi
        a man who got women for the asking, gadgets and     Publisher and Editor-in-Chief

        SENIORS TODAY | ISSUE #29 | NOVEMBER 2021                                                           3
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