Page 8 - Seniorstoday November 2021 Issue
P. 8

Before the war, Sam visited forward
                                                            locations to check plans and preparedness.
                                                            In his ‘pep talk’ to the men he clearly spelt
                                                            out his expectations: “When you enter
                                                            Pakistan, you might find attractive women,
                                                            but remember those who wait for you at
                                                            home are a class apart!” Masked behind
                                                            his humour was a warning: “There will
                                                            be no looting, I am commanding soldiers,
                                                            not thieves.” After the war, when RAW
                                                            revealed the names of a few officers who
                                                            had contravened his instructions, the sword
                                                            fell swiftly but silently. Inspite of their
                                                            military successes, those officers were given
                                                            their marching orders. Meanwhile, the
         A pat on the back for his ‘stick orderlies’        93,000 POWs we had taken captive were
         them mercilessly. This genocide resulted           treated according to the Geneva Convention
         in waves of refugees pouring into our              and foreign media was given full access
         border states and creating an economic,            to our camps. While Sam celebrated this
         financial and logistical crisis that was           decisive victory, his primary concern was
         non-sustainable.  By April the situation           for the wounded and disabled and for
         had spiralled out of control. At a cabinet         war widows. Along with his wife, Silloo,
         meeting the Army Chief was pressured               he reached out to the private sector for
         to mount an offensive against Pakistan             donations and together they raised Rs 7.5
         immediately. Sam rejected this knee-jerk           crore in cash and kind. Sam said: “Silloo
         reaction. He needed time to mobilise his           and I go around with a begging bowl so that
         formations and make up for shortages               my soldiers and their widows will never
         of equipment. Communication links by               need to.”
         road and rail needed to be established for
         sustained logistic support. The weather
         had to be conducive. In the monsoons all
         of Bengal but especially the delta region
         becomes a swamp in which his tanks would
         get bogged down and with poor visibility
         and air support would be hampered. He
         needed nine months of preparation by
         which time winter would set in and the
         snows would block the mountain passes,
         rendering any attempt by China to open
         up a second front futile. Sam was ready
         to tender in his resignation rather than be
         bulldozed into a misadventure. He got the
         PM’s agreement and the rest is history.            Five minutes to change your mind!

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