Page 7 - Seniorstoday November 2021 Issue
P. 7

girl, was indulging in an amorous dalliance        disturbed PM. She soon revealed the cause
         with her, whilst unknown to him, outraged          of her discomfort was he. Members of her
         tribesmen had surrounded his hut and               cabinet had been cautioning her that his
         were baying for his life. Word of this             popularity in the armed forces and on Main
         standoff reached battalion headquarters            Street made him a likely candidate to pull
         and the commanding officer organized               the rug from under her feet by launching
         action to rescue the subaltern. Command            a coup. That’s when he stretched across
         HQ was alerted and although the situation          the table and told her that although his
         was diffused, the matter got reported all          nose was longer than hers, he’d keep it out
         the way up to Army HQ! A month later,              of her business as long as she gave him
         when visiting the post Sam met the young           her word that she would keep hers out
         lieutenant who thought he had it coming,           of his. Mrs Gandhi was reassured. After
         but Sam’s only comment was, ‘Boy, you had          that he commanded his army without let
         my whole Eastern Army at ‘stand to’, I hope        or hindrance. He was able to plan and
         she was worth it!’                                 execute the 1971 Op without hindrance
                                                            and make it a resounding success. While
                                                            he had excellent rapport with the PM, he
                                                            was always correct and addressed her as
                                                            ‘Madam PM’, never as ‘sweetie’. He did
                                                            pay her compliments, like the time when
                                                            she returned home after attending Charles
                                                            de Gaulle’s funeral in Paris. He was at
                                                            Palam Airport to receive her along with
                                                            her Cabinet when he leaned close and
                                                            complimented her ‘chic’ haircut. She broke
                                                            into a smile and whispered back that he
                                                            was the only man that had noticed! This
                                                            closeness to the PM had some politicians
                                                            very uneasy, especially Defence Minister,
                                                            Babu Jagjivan Ram who, with some
         The Army Chief in the driver’s seat                justification, felt by-passed, especially
          Sam had a way with words and his sense            during the build-up to the War.
         of humour could diffuse tense situations.           The build-up to the war began in 1970
         The then Prime Minister, Mrs Indira                with the refusal of West Pakistan and
         Gandhi, asked him to come to her office            Bhutto’s PPP to acknowledge the victory of
         immediately. It was 4 pm and Sam said              the Awami League in the federal elections.
         he would be there as soon as he’d had              How could a Bengali, Sheikh Mujibur
         downed his cuppa tea! She jokingly asked           Rehman, govern Pakistan? Culture and
         if he thought the PMO had no tea to offer,         ethnicity trumped religion and the country
         to which he replied without hesitation             was in turmoil. In March 1971, West
         that the ‘chai’ his Gurkhas made was               Pakistan launched Operation Searchlight
         far superior to the PMO’s ‘chai’! But, of          and rounded up thousands of intellectuals
         course, he went immediately to find a very         and dissidents in E. Pakistan and butchered

        SENIORS TODAY | ISSUE #29 | NOVEMBER 2021                                                           7
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