Page 26 - Seniorstoday November 2023 Issue
P. 26

bit as important as their weight. That’s            For example, our model predicts that
         because how much muscle you have                   a woman weighing 155 pounds (70
         affects how hungry you get, as well as             kilograms) with 30% body fat currently
         how many calories you burn. Muscle mass            accumulates an average of about 8,700
         requires energy to maintain, and this              steps per day. If she wants to lose about 10
         requirement leads to increased appetite,           pounds and reach a body fat percentage
         which means taking in more calories. In            around 25%, she could consult the model
         this example, the heavier man probably             and discover that people who maintain
         eats more than the lighter man in order            that body composition accumulate an
         to maintain his lean muscle mass, and he           average of about 545 steps per kilogram of
         must walk more to maintain his lower               fat per day. Since she currently has about
         body fat percentage.                               46 pounds (21 kilograms) of fat, her goal
          If you want to lose body fat, and therefore       would be to accumulate a total of 11,450
         weight, you basically have two choices:            steps per day.
         You can eat less, or you can move more.             While that may seem at first glance to
         Eating less means you’ll be hungry a lot,          be a sizable increase in daily steps, most
         and that’s uncomfortable, unpleasant and,          people can accumulate 1,000 steps in 10
         for most people, not sustainable. Moving           minutes or less. So even with a comfortable
         more, on the other hand, can allow you to          pace, this additional daily dose of walking
         eat until you’re full and keep body fat off –      would take fewer than 30 minutes.
         or even lose it.                                   Furthermore, steps can be accumulated
          Therefore, we wanted to know how much             throughout the day, with longer or more
         a person who eats until they’re full might         frequent trips, or both, to restrooms,
         have to move to offset the calories they’re        vending machines and the like.
         eating.                                             While steps certainly can be accumulated
                                                            in dedicated walking sessions, such as a
         Step counts for weight loss                        15-minute walk during lunch hour and
         Currently, our model applies to young              another 15-minute walk in the evening,
         adults, but we are now collecting data             they can also be accumulated in shorter,
         for middle-aged and older adults too. To           more frequent bouts of activity.
         use this model, you need to first have              Researchers have learned a great deal
         your body composition determined, a                in the past 70 years about appetite and
         service that is being offered by increasing        energy expenditure: Appetite imposes a
         numbers of fitness centers and medical             drive for food based largely on our fat-free
         practices. With our model, you must                mass, no matter how active or inactive
         determine your body weight and fat                 we are, and we must accumulate enough
         weight in kilograms – to do this, simply           physical activity to counter the calories
         divide your weight in pounds by 2.2.               that we take in through our diet if we want
          With this information in hand, our model          to maintain an energy balance – or exceed
         can provide a step count target that is            our intake to lose weight.
         specific to a person’s current body weight
         and body fat percentage, and their goal for        This article is republished with permission
         fat loss and weight reduction.                     from

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