Page 9 - Seniorstoday November 2023 Issue
P. 9
even the spouse and the child you have so and Diwali were made at home. What she
lovingly brought up ignores/ avoids you. couldn’t do she would call for a Halwai or
Even your grown-up children sometimes cook and make matrhis and other namkins
want to treat you like a child. Being 70 is no but all at home.
laughing matter. But I try to joke about it to This daily routine was her exercise,
myself for these are the good old days. stress management, creativity and her life
While everyone’s experience with ageing had a sense of purpose. She cooked and
is different, experts are increasingly ate healthy food and remained mentally
finding that having a positive mindset active till her last day. She lived a long
is associated with ageing well. My and healthy life and maintained that you
grandmother who lived in small-town can’t stop the march of time, but you don’t
India, lived up to the age of 85. She was have to dread it. The benefits of exercise
healthy and fit up to the day before she for successful ageing are immeasurable.
passed away. Not only did she cook all the Exercise decreases the incidence of diabetes
meals and take great care of the family, but and other cardiovascular diseases helps
she also looked into the needs of the staff in fight arthritis, osteoporosis and poor
the house. She reknitted our old sweaters balance. Staying mentally active also
for the servants. She took all our old clothes helps maintain cognitive function, mental
and made razais. Nothing ever went to wellbeing and promotes independence in
waste. older age.
Age is the evolving story of the self. It’s
also a time to reflect on our legacy, our
I often asked her to let the servants do achievements and find satisfaction in
some cooking and not work so hard herself. leaving a positive mark in the community
Her answer was that if she were to stop and the family. It’s also a time to recognize
working she would be bed-ridden and that Age is not just a number but a journey
become an invalid. In between all this, filled with opportunities for growth, self-
she found time to go to the Gurudwara or discoveries, wisdom, experience, emotional
attend kirtans and all the religious and richness and a sense of fulfillment. It’s also
social duties. She got together a group a time to practice gratitude. Thanking God
of women and made squashes, lemon, for his kindness, for the wonderful friends
orange, and pineapple. She also made and family that he gave you. It is ok to feel
papad and wadis. She made pickles not just sad, frustrated and accept the changes
for our own house but for a lot of friends that come with age. This will help ease
and family who probably just had chapati the emotional burden. Alan Dillon very
and pickles for their meals. Mithai on Holi famously said “I don’t let the old man in”.