Page 8 - Seniorstoday November 2023 Issue
P. 8
from the real Age of Grief, which comes self and now self is one of the factors of
later and hits harder because it is largely this emotional turmoil. I suppose I now
hidden. And we’ll be expected to endure it have to negotiate my own relationship
in silence. Middle age is sometimes referred with time and reach an acceptance on the
to as The Age of Grief. It’s when we first distance travelled. Youth was a chapter
glimpse our own mortality; we feel youth of exuberance and joy. It was a place I left
slipping away into the past, when the young behind and a place I held close to my heart.
people in our lives begin to assert their Flabby armpits – how can you exercise the
independence. armpits? But the fact is that our bodies are
capable of more severe betrayals than mere
flabby armpits. In time they may cause us
to be exposed in skimpy, front-opening or
back-opening hospital gowns under the
all-seeing eye of the CT scanner. They may
deliver us into the skilled, ruthless hands
of a surgeon. Our very blood may speak of
things we will not wish to hear.
Last week, I met a very old friend after One by one, we will relinquish the driving
50 years, we recognised each other in one licence. Perhaps we will have to give up
second. She was extremely extremely the freedom of walking without the aid of a
pretty in her youth. Now she had become stick, or walker. This loss of independence
a little bent, grayed and much wrinkled. I and the feeling of helplessness is really
experienced a rush of bafflement as I looked difficult. The emotional impact of this is
at her in disbelief at how she had aged. very profound. At that time it doesn’t really
We talked of the good times, the carefree matter if people see you with a walking
living, the singing, the dancing and then stick. Someone is bound to comment that
I asked myself what happen to me? The he is very old and uses a walking stick.
tight chest now has two man-boobs, the Besides there could be other dietary
tight butt is now a bag of flour, the biceps restrictions imposed by conditions such as
thru the sleeveless singlet are now flabby diabetes, and the invisible disabilities of
armpits, the mop of hair has considerably diminished hearing and eyesight.
disappeared and there are two deep lines A failing memory, one would think, must
on the either side of face, wrinkles they call be the final straw. And yet, what seems to
them. Do I have a sense of who I was back be the actual final straw is the situation,
then and is that person still a part of who I reported time and again, where an old
am? person feels ‘unseen’, or ‘looked through’,
On the way back home, I thought of my and for indefensible reason finds himself
own wild youth, the lying, the cheating, the being missed out in a family function or the
two-timing. I realised that I had travelled inconvenience of being a piece of furniture
very far from my younger self then I had that has lost its utility. The wound deepens
imagined. This realisation came with a jolt when you are referred to as ‘Buddha’ old
of emotion that felt like a bereavement. man and it’s worse to be told off in many
Disbelief at the distance between the young words that you are irrelevant. Sometimes