Page 7 - Seniorstoday November 2023 Issue
P. 7

equally elderly husband, Shyam, Mohini              Many of these limitations are reversible
         ponders what they can do with the time             and related to poor sleep, but structural
         remaining.                                         changes that take place in your brain
          The nostalgia associated with old age, if         as you age can explain some of these
         it occurs, appears incurable, since there          developments. Just as you may not run
         can be no possibility of a return to an            as fast or jump as high as you did as a
         irrecoverable youth. To describe ageing            teenager, your brain’s cognitive power—
         and the emotions that come with it as grief        that is, your ability to learn, remember, and
         would be a strong word. For, it’s not the          solve problems—slows down with age. You
         sharp grief that follows a bereavement             may find it harder to summon once familiar
         (though bereavements do accumulate with            facts or divide your attention among two or
         the years), but a more elusive emotion.            more activities or sources of information.
         One that is, perhaps, closest to the bone-         These changes affect your ability to focus,
         gnawing sorrow of homesickness. But as             so you may find yourself getting more
         with nostalgia, how badly those afflicted          easily distracted than you were when you
         suffer seems to depend on how they                 were younger.
         manage their relationship with the past.            The result is that as you age, it takes
          Most people start to notice changes as they       longer to absorb, process, and remember
         enter their 50s and 60s. Although these            new information. Therefore, you not only
         changes can cause consternation, most              learn information more slowly, but you
         age-related memory and thinking problems           also may have more trouble recalling it
         don’t stem from an underlying brain                because you didn’t fully learn it in the first
         disease such as Alzheimer’s Disease.               place.
                                                             Hearing loss that often accompanies
                                                            ageing makes it more difficult to
                                                            distinguish speech in a noisy environment.
                                                            Because hearing then requires more
                                                            concentration than usual, even mild loss
                                                            of the ability to focus can affect speech
                                                            comprehension. At this time, I make an
                                                            expression of agreeing with a person
                                                            and ask another question to take the
                                                            conversation elsewhere.
          Instead, what appears to be a memory               Even the aches and pains of getting older
         problem may simply reflect a slower                can affect focus. Pain itself is distracting,
         processing speed and poor encoding and             and some of the medications used to treat it
         retrieval of new memories as a result of           also can affect concentration.
         diminished attention. However, even                 Between 50 and 60 is also the age when
         though your brain may be slower to learn           we have our mid-life crises. We join gyms,
         and recall new information, your ability           and take up running; we speak for the first
         to make sense of what you know and to              time of ‘bucket lists’ – the term itself being
         form reasonable arguments and judgments            an attempt to diminish the sting of time’s
         remains intact.                                    depredations. None of these will save us

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