Page 10 - Seniorstoday October 2023 Issue
P. 10

personifies the travails of the innocent           Khamoshi (1970):
         victims of circumstances not in their                                 Waheeda Rehman
         control.                                                              played the difficult role
                                                                               of a nurse in a mental
         Guide (1965):                                                         care facility. Directed
                              A role and a                                     by Asit Sen, the film
                              performance any                                  starred Rajesh Khanna
                              actress could be                                 as the patient she falls
                              proud of. In Vijay                               in love with. After being
                              Anand’s masterpiece,                             left heartbroken by her
                              she plays a dancer,           love for a previous inmate of the asylum
                              Rosie, who leaves             (Dhamendra in a guest appearance), the
                              her nasty husband to          strain snaps her fragile mind. She played
                              be with Raju Guide            the role with sensitivity, bringing out the
         (Dev Anand) who encourages her dreams              compassion and loneliness of the woman,
         and her career. Their relationship ends            whose sincerity to her duty is taken for
         due his alcoholism and neediness, and a            granted by the doctors at the hospital.
         misunderstanding over money. At a time
         when women on screen were supposed                 Reshma Aur Shera (1971):
         to be chaste and submissive, Rosie was a                               Directed by Sunil Dutt,
         firebrand.                                                             who played Shera to
                                                                                Waheeda Rehman’s
         Teesri Kasam (1966):                                                   Reshma, in this doomed
                              In Basu Bhattacharya’s                            love story set in the
                              debut as director,                                desert. The two belong
                              Waheeda Rehman                                    to rival Rajasthani
                              played a nautanki                                 clans, and their
                              perfomer, Hirabai,                                romance can only end
                              who is touched by the         in bloodshed. The stark locations, colourful
                              innocence of Hiraman,         costumes were stunning, and an air of
                              the bullockcart driver        foreboding suffused the film. Waheeda,
                              (Raj Kapoor), who             playing a woman who tries to defy a
                                                            traditional, deeply patriarchal society, won
         is taking her to the fair where she is to          a National Award for her performace.
         perform. When men she encounters treat
         her as a plaything, Hiraman, unaware of            Namkeen (1982):
         the ways of the world, offers her affection                                Gulzar made
         and respect.  She basks in this, knowing                                   this film about a
         that the relationship can go nowhere, and                                  feisty old woman,
         that she can never be accepted into normal                                 Jugni, played by
         society.  The actress gave Hirabai an                                      Waheeda Rehman,
         appealing mix of playfulness, strength and                                 who used to be
         melancholy.                                        a folk dancer, now lives in poverty in a

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