Page 13 - Seniorstoday October 2023 Issue
P. 13

and unafraid of tackling serious issues of
                                                            poverty, corruption, religious inclusion…
                                                            In the last decade they have got quagmired
                                                            in some conservative mediocrity while
                                                            audience preferences and awareness have
                                                          Image courtesy: koimoi  know what lay beyond Bollywood (as
                                                            evolved. As long as movie-goers did not

                                                            far as Indian cinema was concerned), the
                                                            Bollywood formula worked. But, the rise
                                                            of OTT services has made a whole variety

         South Indian cinema, on the other hand,            of content available to consumers at the
                                                            mere tap of a smartphone screen. Today’s
         is not afraid to push the boundaries of            moviegoer is exposed to ideas, narratives
         creativity and has been serving up stories         and experiential storytelling, from across
         that are varied, eclectic, daring, and             the globe and they are no longer satisfied
         innovative. Pushpa, Bahubali, RRR or               by the substandard fare meted out by Hindi
         Kantara… all have been loved by audiences          film industry. Bollywood must recognise
         pan-India. Every film stands out with its          there is a lot more content that it has to
         own identity. Comparatively, the acting            compete with - be it YouTube, Instagram,
         also seems unforced and realistic, with the        TikTok reels to reality TV shows, which its
         music scores definitely more original and          Southern cousins have been able to adapt
         soul stirring. While Bollywood caters only         to.
         to a Hindi speaking audience, Southern              Bollywood has an urgent need to shake
         films have a greater cultural diversity            itself out of this stupor, because its
         focusing on regional audiences like                stagnation has had a tangible financial
         Drishyam (Malyalam), KGF (Kannada)                 impact on cinema houses too. In fact, it
         and RRR (Telegu). The locales they are             is Hollywood and a smattering of decent
         filmed in are also more regional bringing          Hindi hits like Jawaan, Pathan, Gubaar 2
         in wider audience identification compared          and Rocky and Rani ki Prem Kahani that
         to Bollywood that finds locations in far-          has helped prop up the box-office. Since
         flung places, oftentimes totally irrelevant        last year, moviegoers have been flocking
         to the storyline. Southern films also              to the cinemas to watch big ticket releases
         address important social issues like               like Top Gun, Mission Impossible, Indiana
         caste and women. Their films have also             Jones, Oppenheimer and even Barbie.
         been better in terms of technology and
         visual effects. Experimenting with new
         ideas, innovations, different locales and
         different styles of narratives, they have a
         great novelty value, unlike the same old
         concepts being thrashed out in the North.
          Why has Bollywood missed the bus?
         There was a time when they were in the
         forefront of art and alternative cinema,

        SENIORS TODAY | ISSUE #52 | OCTOBER 2023                                                            13
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