Page 5 - Seniorstoday October 2023 Issue
P. 5


                           Dr  Binal  Dave    is a Senior
                           Physiotherapist and a specialist in                Bob  Buresh,    Professor of
                           Geriatric Care, Women’s Health                     Exercise  Science,  and  Director
                           and   Rehabilitation,  Aquatic                     of the Exercise Physiology Lab,
                           Therapy and has a Fellowship in                    Kennesaw State University
                           Pelvic Floor Rehabilitation

                          Deepa Gahlot   is one of India’s                  Harsh  Goenka    is Chairman
                          seniormost   and   best-known                     of RPG Enterprises. Very active
                          entertainment  journalists.  A                    on Twitter, he is known for his
                          National  Award-winning  film                     inspirational, information and
                          critic, she has authored several                  often humorous take on life and
                          books on film and theatre                         events. He tweets at @hvgoenka

         Nagesh Alai   Alai is Co-Founder                   Dr Nandini Saini  is a practising
         of an enterprise AI startup,                       homoeopath and aesthetician
         having traversed for long the                      with experience of over 15 years.
         consultancy  and  the corporate
         worlds prior to that. He mentors
         startups,  selectively  serves
         on company boards and loves
         writing about his life experiences.
         He can be reached at

                                                                             Vinita Alvares Fernandes  is an
                                                                             Economics graduate, a writer and
                                                                             a  Trinity  College  certified  public
                                                                             speaker and communicator

        SENIORS TODAY | ISSUE #52 | OCTOBER 2023                                                            5
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