Page 17 - Seniorstoday October 2023 Issue
P. 17

no end to the fun one could have with this
                                                            strange and captivating substance.

                                                            4. Super Ball / Crazy Ball
                                                            The Super Ball was
                                                            not just another
                                                            toy. It was the
                                                            epitome of fun and
         pad was it! With its bright red frame,             unpredictability.
         knobs, and powdery screen, the image of            Its ability to bounce
         the Sketch pad is etched in the memories of        higher and erratically
         little children. Using the two knobs to move       made it a captivating
         an aluminium stylus around the powdery             plaything. Children
         surface, children could draw anything they         and adults alike                                 Image credit: ebay
         wanted and then erase it by simply turning         were fascinated
         the device upside down. The Sketch pad is          by its unusual
         still popular today and probably won’t lose        bouncing properties, and the sheer joy
         its appeal anytime soon.                           of throwing the ball and guessing its
                                                            trajectory was thrilling. Owning a Super
         3. Plastacine / Silly Putty                        Ball was like owning a bundle of energy and
                                                            unpredictability, reflecting the fun, carefree
                                                            spirit of childhood.

                                                            5. Hula-Hoops

         Plastacine sold at toy shops across India.
         It was an instant hit with kids and adults         Both kids and adults loved the Hula-
         alike. This unusual substance could take           Hoop when it came out decades ago. This
         any shape often it came with moulds of             swivelling toy immediately became a
         birds, animals. The material was put into          huge fad. The company who invented the
         the mould and it would take the shape of           Hula-Hoop, Wham-O, took inspiration
         mould and soon the child would learn to            from Australian gym classes, wherein
         make his own shapes, making it a source            the students would exercise by twirling
         of endless amusement. Owning Plastacine            bamboo hoops around their waists.
         was like owning a ticket to a world of fun
         and imagination. From making funny                 6. Hot Wheels / Dinky Toys
         shapes to bouncing it around, there was            Dinky Toys were the dream of every kid in

        SENIORS TODAY | ISSUE #52 | OCTOBER 2023                                                            17
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