Page 16 - Seniorstoday October 2023 Issue
P. 16


         Vintage gadgets of

               our childhood

         These gadgets may seem antiquated today, but products from the 60s era
         were an integral part of our transformation, writes Vickram Sethi

         As the decades go by, it’s fun to look back        The View-Master was more than just a
         and reminisce about the products of our            toy. It was a magical portal into different
         childhood, which left an impression on us.         worlds, offering children and adults a
         The 1960s were a time of major cultural            unique visual experience. View-Masters
         and social change, and the products                provided a 3D window to various scenes
         from that era were an integral part of our         from nature, cities, and global landmarks,
         generation’s transformation.                       taking users on an exciting visual journey
          I took a walk down memory lane to                 right from their living rooms. This toy was
         explore some of the products we went gaga          much more than just a viewer; it sparked
         over in the 60s. Let’s take a peek at what         creativity and curiosity. Holding a View-
         life was like during the so-called Swinging        Master meant holding the world in your
         Sixties.                                           hands, triggering a sense of wonder and
                                                            thirst for exploration. It was like owning
         1. The View-Master                                 a passport to a fascinating world of 3D
                                                            visuals, enabling users to dream, learn, and
                                                            discover through stunning imagery.

                                                            2. Etch-A-Sketch / Sketch pad
                                                            When it came to toys that helped children
                                                            learn how to draw and that it was okay to
                                                            make mistakes and try again, the Sketch

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