Page 19 - Seniorstoday October 2023 Issue
P. 19

9. Monopoly Board Game                             consumer electronics by introducing
                                                            small but powerful, convenient hand-
                                                            held devices. The mass-market success
                                                            of the smaller and cheaper models, led to
                                                            the transistor radio becoming the most
                                                            popular electronic product, every vendor
                                                            including the Panwala had a transistor
                                                            next to them blurring away the Cricket
                                                            commentary and Hindi Music. The pocket
                                                            size of transistor radios sparked a change in
                                                            popular listening habits. Cricket increased
         Monopoly was more than just a board                its popularity many time over, strangers
         game; it was an engaging, family-centred           would ask each other the score.
         experience. This classic game introduced
         kids and adults alike to the highs and             11. Cassette Tape Recorder
         lows of growing up. With each roll of the
         dice, players navigated a world of buying,
         selling, and developing real estate while
         avoiding bankruptcy. Owning a Monopoly
         game meant owning hours of challenging,
         competitive fun. It was a way of learning
         about finance and strategy, all the while
         fostering friendly competition and family
         bonding. Besides Monopoly there was
         Chinese chequers and hours spent playing           Everyone who grew up pre-internet
         Ludo with the family. Unfortunately Ludo           remembers what it was like to wait
         is now a gambling game, in fact the man            around for their favourite song to come
         who made Ludo into a money game has                on the radio. Thanks to the tape recorder,
         been facilitated for creating an innovative        everyday people could record whatever
         start up. Such is life!!!                          they’d like off the radio to be played at their
                                                            desired time.
         10. Transistor
                                                            12. The Polaroid Camera

        The transistor radio was a small portable
        radio which revolutionized the field of

        SENIORS TODAY | ISSUE #52 | OCTOBER 2023                                                            19
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