Page 50 - Seniorstoday October 2023 Issue
P. 50

while maintaining a follow up with the             rang and she ran to it.
         banks and the cybercrime cell to recover                                           It was not
         her Rs. 44,501. It has been months now and                                        the letter
         she was losing her hopes. She continued to                                        from the
         do her rounds of the temples driven by an                                         Delhi police
         abiding faith. More than the amount, she                                          that she was
         was annoyed by the fact that she had fallen                                       expecting,
         prey to a fraud in spite of her corporate                                         but a courier
         experience of decades and never having                                            from Blue
         allowed a fraud or finagling in her own                                           Dart carrying
         company by putting in place water tight                                           a sealed
         control mechanisms.                                                               envelope
          Navya was quaffing her morning                                                   from some
         coffee one day when Vijay pointed out                                             unknown
         a newspaper report to her. It mentioned            lawyer from her hometown of Mysuru. She
         the name of one SKM and another SM                 opened the envelope to find a letter and
         having been raided by the Delhi police and         a pay order in her name. The lawyer was
         discovering a stash of cash running into           the executrix of the will of her distant and
         millions. The report talked about them             octogenarian unmarried aunt, whom she
         being involved in cyber frauds over the last       had been sporadically in touch with and
         two years, having cheated several people.          visiting. Her aunt had passed some months
         The government’s cyber fraud cell team             ago and her lawyer had diligently executed
         has been quietly investigating the cyber           the will by taking stock of her estate and
         complaints behind the scenes and keeping           distributing it amongst the various heirs
         a watch on several suspects. As she was            listed in the will. Navya was one of them.
         reading a report, something rang a bell.           Her share of her aunt’s estate was Rs. 4,
         The names were similar to the one in the           45,001 and the lawyer’s envelope carried a
         spam mail that she had fallen victim to.           banker’s cheque for that amount.
         Navya’s face lit up with a smile and she            Navya was flabbergasted and stunned.
         immediately got in touch with the Delhi            Not only was she getting back the money
         police to lodge her claim for Rs. 44,501 with      that she was defrauded out of, thanks to
         all supporting documents. The Delhi police         the efficiency of the police, she was also
         got in touch with her soon after in the next       getting an unexpected legacy ten times
         few days, having done their due diligence,         over. A joyous  Navya, in line with her
         and confirmed to her that her money will           generous nature and a supportive Vijay, did
         be transferred to her bank account that was        not think twice before donating the legacy
         available with the cyber fraud cell, once the      of Rs. 4,45,001 to a reputed charitable
         court indicts the scamsters and clears the         organisation looking after the destitute and
         claims made by different victims.                  the deserted. After all, Navya never wanted
          Navya was delighted to hear this and was          anything more than her need. She was just
         looking forward to the missive from the            happy that she got back her hard earned Rs.
         Delhi police and the bank’s SMS alert for          44,501. Frauds never pay, but faith always
         the credit of her Rs. 44,501. Her doorbell         pays.

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