Page 45 - Seniorstoday October 2023 Issue
P. 45

sensitivity to insulin or prevent the             handful can help you stay on track with
         formation of blood clots. Studies also show       your diet, helping fight anxiety while
         that cocoa flavonoids would also help to          promoting the feeling of satiety. Walnuts
         improve the elasticity of blood vessels and       also have healthy oils that boost your
         thus reduce blood pressure.                       brainpower, enhancing cognitive function
                                                           like working memory. So next time you’re
         43. Yogurt                                        thinking of making another coffee run for
                                                           an expensive latte as a pick me up, reach for
                                                           the nuts instead.

                                                            45. Garlic

         Benefit: High level of good bacteria
         Eating yogurt is good for your health              Benefit: Helps detoxify the body
         because it’s chock full of good bacteria.          This small, but very effective pod is the
         These bacteria have the power to aid in            most protective member of the allium
         proper digestion. In addition, yogurt is           family along with onions, shallots, leeks,
         high in calcium and other nutrients that           and chives. Its sulfur compounds activate
         strengthen your bones.                             the detoxification of the body, preventing
                                                            the formation of nitrosamines (found in
        44. Walnuts                                         the nitrites of deli meats) likely to cause
                                                            a DNA mutation, thus a risk of cancer. In
                                                            the prevention of cancers of the esophagus,
                                                            stomach, prostate, colon, eat garlic at a
                                                            rate of ten pods per week, fresh or crushed
                                                            and cooked. Just remember to stock up on
                                                            breathmints, as you’re friends are sure to
                                                            catch a whiff of your breath from a mile

                                                           46. Brown Rice
                                                           Benefit: Has fibre and magnesium, reduces risk
                                                           of heart disease
        Benefit: Enhancing cognitive functions             WebMD says that a lot of the nutrients
        Walnuts are a great food to help you kick          found in brown rice can help your heart-
        sugar cravings throughout the day. Just a          health. Brown rice is far superior to white

        SENIORS TODAY | ISSUE #52 | OCTOBER 2023                                                            45
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